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Digital social work
International Social Work ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-06 , DOI: 10.1177/00208728241267804
Antonio López-Peláez 1 , Soňa Kalenda Vávrová 2 , Alice Gojová 2 , Amaya Erro-Garcés 3 , Rafael Acebes Valentín 1

Social interaction through technology, professional intervention through digital tools, and reorganization of public and private organizations to digitalize their procedures and work with reliable and robust data are three processes that coexist and feed off each other, giving rise to the development of what has been called digital social work. In this article, we briefly analyze some of the characteristics of digital social work, the challenges faced in digitalized societies, and the broadening of the debate on digital divide, which goes beyond access issues, and focuses on what is now considered a key challenge for social welfare: digital vulnerability.


