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Meritocracy and material consequences at the intersection of race, class, and disability for pre-service PE teachers
European Physical Education Review ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-06 , DOI: 10.1177/1356336x241268361
Cory Dixon 1 , Mara Simon 2 , Korey Boyd 2

Disproportionate rates of poverty among Black and Latine populations in the United States exemplify material consequences and ideological meritocracies of systemic racism. While education is often touted as a way to escape poverty, legacies of racism, classism, and ableism embedded within higher education and physical education teacher education (PETE) confront Black and Latine undergraduates directly, forcing them to navigate additional emotional and social barriers. We examined how Black and Latine pre-service physical education (PE) teachers enrolled in predominantly white institutions faced specific hurdles and/or barriers to teacher licensure along with material consequences of classism and ableism. We used qualitative visual inquiry, including narrative-based, semi-structured, and conversational interviews, and photo elicitation. We analyzed data deductively using intersectional Critical Race Theory. The first theme highlights a collective narrative of socioeconomic status’ bounding role in participants’ PETE stories, evidencing potential disruptions to successful teacher licensure. We then shift focus to share the stories of four Black and Latine pre-service PE teachers with learning disabilities. Participants highlighted a discourse of meritocracy, where academic accommodations were perceived as “advantages,” overlapping with institutional neoliberalism that ignores systemic oppression for poor and working-class pre-service PE teachers with and without learning disabilities. Participants’ narratives highlight systematic patterns of marginalization related directly to socioeconomic status and learning ability that PETE faculty and administrators are responsible for addressing.



美国黑人和拉丁裔人口中不成比例的贫困率体现了系统性种族主义的物质后果和意识形态精英统治。虽然教育经常被吹捧为摆脱贫困的一种方式,但高等教育和体育教师教育 (PETE) 中根深蒂固的种族主义、阶级歧视和体能歧视的遗产直接面对黑人和拉丁裔本科生,迫使他们克服额外的情感和社会障碍。我们研究了在以白人为主的机构就读的黑人和拉丁裔职前体育 (PE) 教师如何面临教师执照的特定障碍和/或障碍,以及阶级歧视和体能歧视的物质后果。我们使用定性视觉调查,包括基于叙述的、半结构化的、对话式的访谈以及照片启发。我们使用交叉批判种族理论对数据进行演绎分析。第一个主题强调了社会经济地位在参与者 PETE 故事中的约束作用的集体叙述,证明了成功获得教师执照的潜在干扰。然后,我们将重点转移到分享四位患有学习障碍的黑人和拉丁裔职前体育教师的故事。与会者强调了精英主义的讨论,其中学术住宿被视为“优势”,与制度性新自由主义重叠,后者忽视了对有或没有学习障碍的贫困和工薪阶层职前体育教师的系统性压迫。参与者的叙述强调了与社会经济地位和学习能力直接相关的系统性边缘化模式,PETE 教师和管理人员负责解决这些问题。