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Radiological risks and excess lifetime cancer risk of the topsoil around the coal-fired Plomin thermal power plant (Istria, Croatia) and long-term effects after ceasing use of the coal with elevated radionuclides activities
International Journal of Coal Geology ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.coal.2024.104576
Ivanka Lovrenčić Mikelić , Gorana Ernečić , Delko Barišić

Radiological and health risks arising from Ra, Th, and K in topsoil due to coal combustion in Plomin thermal power plant were assessed: outdoor absorbed dose rate in air (), annual outdoor effective dose rate (), external hazard index (), internal hazard index (), and excess lifetime cancer risk outdoors (). Spatial distribution of risks around the plant was studied and relative contributions of Ra, Th, and K to (applies to and as well), , and were determined. The risks were studied at two soil depths (A: 0–10 cm, B: 10–25 cm), radially around the plant at 1 km, 5 km, and 10 km distances from the plant, and in a downwind (SW) profile at 0.1–1 km distance from the plant. Elevated , , , and were determined, while was not elevated. Almost all , , and values were above the world average for soils (58 nGy/h, 0.07 mSv/y, and 0.29 × 10, respectively). , , and were: 32–338 nGy/h (mean value: 116 nGy/h), 0.039–0.414 mSv/y (mean value: 0.142 mSv/y), and 0.17 × 10–1.79 × 10 (mean value: 0.61 × 10), respectively. was in the 0.18–1.98 range (mean value: 0.69), with only two extreme values above the recommended limit of 1. was in the 0.22–3.67 range (mean value: 1.02), with most of the values above the recommended limit of 1 in the downwind profile and at one station with extremes (1 km from the plant). A “hot spot” was determined for all risks at 1 km distance from the plant in the wind direction (SW from the plant). The next highest, elevated, risks were observed in the downwind profile stations. The most important parameters influencing spatial distribution of risks are Ra activities in soil, wind direction, and distance from the plant. Ra is generally the most important contributor to risks in soils, while K is the least important. Ra and Th were found to be the most significant and comparable contributors to , , , and . Only Ra was found as the most significant contributor to in the studied area. Elevated risks are partially from the natural source (carbonate bedrock) and partially from the power plant (coal combustion and handling, ash deposition on soil).



对普洛明火电厂燃煤引起的表土Ra、Th、K产生的辐射和健康风险进行了评估:室外空气吸收剂量率()、年室外有效剂量率()、外部危害指数()、内部危险指数 (),以及户外终生癌症风险 ()。研究了工厂周围风险的空间分布,并确定了 Ra、Th 和 K 对(也适用于 和 )、 和 的相对贡献。在两个土壤深度(A:0-10 厘米,B:10-25 厘米)、距工厂 1 公里、5 公里和 10 公里的径向距离工厂以及顺风 (SW) 的位置对风险进行了研究距工厂 0.1-1 公里处的轮廓。确定 、 、 、 升高,而未升高。几乎所有 、 和 值均高于土壤的世界平均水平(分别为 58 nGy/h、0.07 mSv/y 和 0.29 × 10)。 、 、 和 分别为:32–338 nGy/h(平均值:116 nGy/h)、0.039–0.414 mSv/y(平均值:0.142 mSv/y)和 0.17 × 10–1.79 × 10(平均值:0.61 × 10) 分别。介于 0.18–1.98 范围内(平均值:0.69),只有两个极端值高于建议限值 1。 介于 0.22–3.67 范围内(平均值:1.02),大多数值高于建议限值 1 1 在顺风剖面和极端情况下的一个站点(距离工厂 1 公里)。所有风险的“热点”均在风向(距电厂西南方向)距电厂 1 公里处确定。在顺风剖面站中观察到了第二高的风险。影响风险空间分布的最重要参数是土壤中的 Ra 活动、风向和距植物的距离。 Ra 通常是土壤风险最重要的贡献者,而 K 则是最不重要的。 Ra 和 Th 被发现是 、 、 和 的最重要且最具可比性的贡献者。只有 Ra 被认为是研究区域中最重要的贡献者。升高的风险部分来自自然资源(碳酸盐基岩),部分来自发电厂(煤炭燃烧和处理、土壤灰沉积)。