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Enhancing Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) Productivity and Biochemical Traits: A Comparison of Straw Mulch and Polythene Mulch Under Prolonged Salinity Stress
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-05 , DOI: 10.1111/jac.12739
H. N. Meena 1, 2 , B. C. Ajay 2 , K. K. Reddy 2 , M. D. Meena 3 , J. P. Mishra 1

The escalating population growth has spurred a demand for increased oilseed production, necessitating urgent attention. However, the expansion of saline‐affected regions posed a significant obstacle to maintain peanut productivity in these areas. Thus, to tackle the productivity decline in saline‐affected regions, we investigated whether substituting polythene mulch with straw mulch, as part of an agronomic management strategy, could mitigate the rapid decrease in peanut productivity. Three mulching methods (control, polythene mulch and straw mulch) were employed to cultivate the crop (cv. TG 37A) under salinity levels of 0.5, 2, 4 and 6 dS m−1. As salinity levels increased, there was a notable decrease in germination percentage, growth, yield and biochemical characteristics, including pod and haulm yields were reported. Despite salinity reduced free amino acids and oil content, it exhibited significant increase in protein and sugar content. Saline irrigation water led to a reduction in pod yield, haulm yield and oil content by 24.67%, 23.84% and 5.07%, respectively, at a salinity level of 6.0 dS m−1 compared to the control with 0.5 dS m−1 salinity. Moreover, straw mulching resulted in a boost in pod yield, haulm yield and oil content by 30.09%, 4.83% and 1.75%, respectively, compared to the control. The reduction in pod yield and oil content under the interaction of mulching and salinity was 46.44% and 6.87% at M0S6, 21.42% and 4.44% at M1S6, and 7.55% and 3.87% at M2S6 compared to M0S0, M1S0 and M2S0, respectively. A similar trend was also observed in 100‐pod weight, 100‐kernel weight and shelling percentage. Accordingly, it was concluded that the declining trend in all attributes under straw mulching at various salinity levels surpassed polythene mulching, ensuring superior peanut production under salinity stress conditions.



人口不断增长刺激了对油籽产量增加的需求,迫切需要引起关注。然而,盐碱地面积的扩大对维持这些地区的花生生产力构成了重大障碍。因此,为了解决盐碱地影响地区生产力下降的问题,我们研究了用秸秆覆盖物替代聚乙烯覆盖物作为农艺管理策略的一部分是否可以缓解花生生产力的快速下降。采用三种覆盖方法(对照、聚乙烯覆盖和秸秆覆盖)在 0.5、2、4 和 6 dS m 的盐度水​​平下种植作物(cv. TG 37A) −1 。随着盐度水平的增加,发芽率、生长、产量和生化特征(包括豆荚和茎秆产量)显着下降。尽管盐度降低了游离氨基酸和油含量,但蛋白质和糖含量显着增加。当盐度为6.0 dS m时,咸水灌溉导致荚果产量、茎秆产量和含油量分别下降24.67%、23.84%和5.07% −1与 0.5 dS m 的对照相比−1盐度。此外,与对照相比,秸秆覆盖使荚果产量、茎秆产量和含油量分别提高了30.09%、4.83%和1.75%。地膜覆盖和盐度交互作用下的荚果产量和含油量在 M 时分别下降了 46.44% 和 6.87%。 0 S 6 , 21.42% 和 4.44% 在 M 1 S 6 、7.55%和3。87% 在 M 2 S 6与 M 相比0 S 0 , 米1 S 0和M 2 S 0 , 分别。百荚重、百粒重和脱壳率也观察到类似的趋势。因此,得出的结论是,不同盐度水平下秸秆覆盖下所有属性的下降趋势都超过了聚乙烯覆盖,确保了盐胁迫条件下花生的优异产量。