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Evaluating the Functional Impairment of Assault Victims in a Judicial Context: A Multicentered Retrospective Study in Seven French Forensics Units
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-05 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241268764
Arthur Chambre 1 , Sophie Outh-Gauer 1 , Lucile Tuchtan 2 , Yann Delannoy 3, 4 , Vincent Laugier 5 , Nacer Bourokba 6 , Laurent Martrille 7 , Cyrus Macaigne 8 , Frédéric Savall 9 , Thomas Lefevre 10

Functional impairment is of major importance in the evaluation of assault victims. French law assesses the seriousness of the violence in terms of the functional impairment experienced by the victims, quantified by the duration of the victims’ inability to fulfill their usual daily activities, measured in days of “total incapacity to work” (TIW). Significant variations in the duration of TIW have been reported depending on the examination centers or physician. To date, few studies, all monocentric, have focused on the determinants of this variability. We aimed to study the functional impairment of assault victims by searching for determinants of TIW. We conducted a retrospective multicenter study, including assault victims from seven forensic medicine units. The data were automatically extracted from the medical certificates drawn up and gathered within the ORFéAD database. Thirty-eight variables were studied, relating to the victim’s characteristics, the circumstances of the examination and the assault, the physical and psychological symptoms, and the duration of TIW. A total of 5,663 victims were included, including 2,438 (43%) women. The median age was 32 years (min; max [10; 98]). The median duration of TIW was 2 days (min; max [0; 182]). Male gender, age, time to examination, examination center, traumatic injuries (ecchymosis, hematoma, wound, bone fracture), use of a weapon, and functional limitation were associated with the duration of TIW ( p < .05). The associations formerly identified in a monocentric setting were confirmed and new determinants were identified. This study has allowed a better understanding of the factors influencing the evaluation of functional impairment and determination of the TIW of assault victims. This first study using ORféAD is intended to be supplemented by the participation of other forensic units, and the inclusion of other variables, such as violence type, victim categories, or the examining physician.



功能障碍对于评估袭击受害者非常重要。法国法律根据受害者所经历的功能障碍来评估暴力的严重性,并通过受害者无法完成日常活动的持续时间进行量化,以“完全丧失工作能力”(TIW)天数来衡量。据报告,TIW 持续时间存在显着差异,具体取决于检查中心或医生。迄今为止,很少有研究(都是单中心的)关注这种变异性的决定因素。我们旨在通过寻找 TIW 的决定因素来研究攻击受害者的功能障碍。我们进行了一项回顾性多中心研究,其中包括来自七个法医单位的袭击受害者。数据是从 ORFéAD 数据库中起草和收集的医疗证明中自动提取的。研究了 38 个变量,涉及受害者的特征、检查和攻击的情况、身体和心理症状以及 TIW 的持续时间。共有 5,663 名受害者被纳入其中,其中包括 2,438 名(43%)女性。中位年龄为 32 岁(最小;最大 [10;98])。 TIW 的中位持续时间为 2 天(最短;最长 [0;182])。男性、年龄、检查时间、检查中心、外伤(瘀斑、血肿、伤口、骨折)、武器的使用和功能限制与 TIW 持续时间相关(p < .05)。先前在单中心环境中确定的关联得到了证实,并确定了新的决定因素。这项研究使我们能够更好地了解影响攻击受害者功能损伤评估和 TIW 确定的因素。 第一项使用 ORféAD 的研究旨在通过其他法医单位的参与进行补充,并纳入其他变量,例如暴力类型、受害者类别或检查医生。