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Help-Seeking from Victim Services, Personal Networks, and Reporting to Police: Stalking Victim Behaviors from the 2019 NCVS Supplemental Victimization Survey
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-05 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241268773
Christine E Wengloski 1 , Hayley M D Cleary 1

Understanding the predictors of stalking victimization, help-seeking behaviors of stalking victims, and their reporting to police can help law enforcement and advocates improve systems and ensure they are accessible and useful to victims. Existing stalking research focuses heavily on campus-based stalking, non-nationally representative populations, and/or dated data collection methods, such as the 2006 National Crime Victimization Survey, Supplemental Victimization Survey (NCVS-SVS), an instrument that has been updated according to current stalking definitions. This study employs the latest 2019 NCVS-SVS to analyze its new stalking screening questions and additional variables. We identified predictors of (a) stalking victimization, (b) help-seeking from victim-serving agencies, (c) help-seeking from personal networks, and (d) reporting to police. Predictors of stalking victimization included younger age, identifying as female, identifying as not heterosexual, household incomes below $50,000, and any college attendance. Victims who knew their offenders (intimate or non-intimate) were more likely than victims of stranger stalking to seek help from victim-serving agencies and personal networks. Younger victims were more likely to seek help from personal networks. None of the variables we examined predicted reporting to police. This study shows the characteristics of stalking victims have stayed consistent over time but highlights an ongoing need for resources for victims of stranger stalking, who may not know about or be able to access stalking services that are offered by intimate partner violence agencies. Future research around stalking victim characteristics should focus on populations that are newly included in national stalking data, such as those who identify as transgender and sexual identity minorities.


从受害者服务、个人网络和向警方举报寻求帮助:跟踪 2019 年 NCVS 补充受害调查中的受害者行为

了解跟踪受害的预测因素、跟踪受害者的寻求帮助行为以及他们向警方的报告可以帮助执法部门和倡导者改进系统,并确保受害者可以使用这些系统并对其有用。现有的跟踪研究主要集中在校园跟踪、非全国代表性人群和/或过时的数据收集方法,例如 2006 年国家犯罪受害调查、补充受害调查 (NCVS-SVS),这是一种根据目前的跟踪定义。本研究采用最新的 2019 年 NCVS-SVS 来分析其新的跟踪筛选问题和附加变量。我们确定了以下因素的预测因素:(a) 跟踪受害;(b) 向受害者服务机构寻求帮助;(c) 从个人网络寻求帮助;以及 (d) 向警方报案。跟踪受害的预测因素包括年龄较小、女性身份、非异性恋、家庭收入低于 50,000 美元以及是否上过大学。认识犯罪者(亲密或非亲密)的受害者比陌生人跟踪的受害者更有可能向受害者服务机构和个人网络寻求帮助。年轻的受害者更有可能从个人网络寻求帮助。我们检查的所有变量都没有预测到向警方报告。这项研究表明,随着时间的推移,跟踪受害者的特征一直保持一致,但强调了陌生人跟踪受害者对资源的持续需求,他们可能不知道或无法获得亲密伴侣暴力机构提供的跟踪服务。 未来围绕跟踪受害者特征的研究应重点关注新纳入国家跟踪数据的人群,例如那些被认定为跨性别和性身份少数的人群。