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Gendered Corruption: People’s Reactions to Victims of Monetary Versus Sexual Extortion
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-05 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241268769
Marylisa Sara Alemi 1 , Maria Giuseppina Pacilli 1 , Federica Spaccatini 1 , Ayse K Uskul 2 , Ilaria Giovannelli 3 , Stefano Pagliaro 3

This research addresses the important issue of the connection between corruption and gender-based violence, an area that has gained increasing attention in recent years. It provides a new perspective by comparing the perception of victims of monetary corruption versus sexual corruption. Through an experimental study, we exposed participants to a fictitious scenario in which they witnessed an event of sex-based (vs. money-based) extortion. The results showed that the victims’ decision to cave into the extortion (both money or sex-based) led to higher feelings of moral outrage and blame toward them, and a weaker moral perception. Moreover, victims were considered less moral and more prone to reputational damage when described as caving into sex-based (vs. money-based) extortion. Finally, a moderated mediation model showed that the reputational damage suffered by the woman also significantly mediated the relation between the decision to cave into the extortion and the helping intentions toward her, but only when the corruption involved sexual payment. These findings provide insights into the perception of victims of both money-based and sex-based extortion, highlighting the significant role of reputational damage and stigma in the context of sextortion.


