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The Association Between the Development of Cam Morphology During Skeletal Growth in High-Impact Athletes and the Presence of Cartilage Loss and Labral Damage in Adulthood: A Prospective Cohort Study With a 12-Year Follow-up
The American Journal of Sports Medicine ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-05 , DOI: 10.1177/03635465241256123
Paula A M Claes 1 , David F Hanff 2 , Adam Weir 1, 3 , Noortje S Riedstra 1 , Harrie Weinans 4 , Denise Eygendaal 1 , Josh Heerey 5 , Edwin H G Oei 2 , Pim van Klij 6 , Rintje Agricola 1

Background:Cam morphology develops during skeletal growth, but its influence on cartilage and the labrum in high-impact athletes later in life is unknown.Purpose:To (1) explore the association between the presence and duration of cam morphology during adolescence and the cartilage and labral status 7 to 12 years later and (2) report the prevalence of cartilage loss and labral damage in a population of young male athletes (<32 years old) who played professional soccer during skeletal growth.Study Design:Cohort study (Prognosis); Level of evidence, 2.Methods:A total of 89 healthy male academy soccer players from the Dutch soccer club Feyenoord (aged 12-19 years) were included at baseline. At baseline and 2.5- and 5-year follow-ups, standardized supine anteroposterior pelvis and frog-leg lateral radiographs of each hip were obtained. At 12-year follow-up, magnetic resonance imaging of both hips was performed. Cam morphology was defined by a validated alpha angle ≥60° on radiographs at baseline or 2.5- or 5-year follow-up when the growth plates were closed. Hips with the presence of cam morphology at baseline or at 2.5-year follow-up were classified as having a “longer duration” of cam morphology. Hips with cam morphology only present since 5-year follow-up were classified as having a “shorter duration” of cam morphology. At 12-year follow-up, cartilage loss and labral abnormalities were assessed semiquantitatively. Associations were estimated using logistic regression, adjusted for age and body mass index.Results:Overall, 35 patients (70 hips) with a mean age of 28.0 ± 2.0 years and mean body mass index of 24.1 ± 1.8 participated at 12-year follow-up. Cam morphology was present in 56 of 70 hips (80%). The prevalence of cartilage loss was 52% in hips with cam morphology and 21% in hips without cam morphology (adjusted odds ratio, 4.52 [95% CI, 1.16-17.61]; P = .03). A labral abnormality was present in 77% of hips with cam morphology and in 64% of hips without cam morphology (adjusted odds ratio, 1.99 [95% CI, 0.59-6.73]; P = .27). The duration of cam morphology did not influence these associations.Conclusion:The development of cam morphology during skeletal growth was associated with future magnetic resonance imaging findings consistent with cartilage loss in young adults but not with labral abnormalities.


高强度运动员骨骼生长过程中凸轮形态的发展与成年期软骨损失和盂唇损伤之间的关联:一项为期 12 年随访的前瞻性队列研究

背景:凸轮形态在骨骼生长过程中形成,但其对高影响力运动员晚年软骨和盂唇的影响尚不清楚。目的:(1)探讨青春期凸轮形态的存在和持续时间与软骨之间的关系7 至 12 年后的盂唇状态,(2) 报告在骨骼生长期间参加职业足球的年轻男性运动员 (<32 岁) 群体中软骨损失和盂唇损伤的发生率。 研究设计:队列研究(预后) ;证据级别,2。方法:基线时纳入了来自荷兰费耶诺德足球俱乐部的 89 名健康男性学院足球运动员(年龄 12-19 岁)。在基线以及 2.5 年和 5 年随访时,获得了每个髋部的标准化仰卧位前后骨盆和蛙腿侧位 X 光片。在 12 年的随访中,对双髋进行了磁共振成像。 Cam 形态的定义是,在基线或 2.5 年或 5 年随访时,生长板闭合时,X 线照片上经过验证的 α 角≥60°。在基线或 2.5 年随访时存在凸轮形态的臀部被归类为具有“较长持续时间”的凸轮形态。自 5 年随访以来才出现凸轮形态的臀部被归类为具有“较短持续时间”的凸轮形态。在 12 年的随访中,对软骨损失和盂唇异常进行了半定量评估。使用逻辑回归估计相关性,并根据年龄和体重指数进行调整。 结果:总体而言,35 名平均年龄为 28.0 ± 2.0 岁、平均体重指数为 24.1 ± 1.8 的患者(70 髋)参与了 12 年随访。向上。 70 个臀部中的 56 个(80%)存在凸轮形态。 具有凸轮形态的髋关节软骨损失率为 52%,无凸轮形态的髋关节软骨损失率为 21%(调整后的比值比,4.52 [95% CI,1.16-17.61];P = .03)。 77% 的具有凸轮形态的髋部和 64% 的无凸轮形态的髋部存在盂唇异常(调整后的比值比,1.99 [95% CI,0.59-6.73];P = .27)。凸轮形态的持续时间不影响这些关联。结论:骨骼生长过程中凸轮形态的发展与未来的磁共振成像结果相关,与年轻人的软骨损失一致,但与盂唇异常无关。