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Regularization in space–time topology optimization for additive manufacturing
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering ( IF 6.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2024.117202
Weiming Wang , Kai Wu , Fred van Keulen , Jun Wu

In additive manufacturing, the fabrication sequence has a large influence on the quality of manufactured components. While planning of the fabrication sequence is typically performed after the component has been designed, recent developments have demonstrated the possibility and benefits of simultaneous optimization of both the structural layout and the corresponding fabrication sequence. This is particularly relevant in multi-axis additive manufacturing, where rotational motion offers enhanced flexibility compared to planar fabrication. The simultaneous optimization approach, called space–time topology optimization, introduces a pseudo-time field to encode the manufacturing process order, alongside a pseudo-density field representing the structural layout. To comply with manufacturing principles, the pseudo-time field needs to be monotonic, i.e., free of local minima. However, explicitly formulated constraints proposed in prior work are not always effective, particularly for complex structural layouts that commonly result from topology optimization.


