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Subaqueous deltas in the stratigraphic record: Catching up with the marine geologists
Earth-Science Reviews ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2024.104879
Ron Steel , Ariana Osman , Valentina M. Rossi , Jana Alabdullatif , Cornel Olariu , Yang Peng , Fernando Rey

Delta bathymetry, seismic data and near-surface sediment sampling on modern deltas with significant wave, tidal or marine current influence betray a double clinoform architecture with a bridging subaqueous platform. Much of the muddy portion of river-sediment discharge that reaches the coastline bypasses the mouth bar/shoreline clinoform and is deposited, eroded, re-suspended and stored in the distant subaqueous portion of deltas. The sediment stored on the prograding slope of the subaqueous delta is predominantly muddy and heterolithic sediment gravity flows, a diagnostic feature of the prograding and rapidly accumulating subaqueous delta. The subaqueous delta sometimes becomes markedly skewed offshore to run parallel to the shoreline, a routing often aided by shelf currents. Early marine researchers tackled the problem of how sediment from the river reaches so far out (commonly 100 km) on the shelf; they showed that negatively and positively buoyant river plumes, and reworked delta front/shoreface sediments are dispersed out onto the subaqueous delta, greatly assisted by the action of waves, tides and especially friction-reducing fluid mud on the seabed of the subaqueous platform. Documentation of the growth of modern subaqueous deltas has contributed to recent progress in understanding mud dispersal on shelves. Equivalent understanding of ancient deltas, however, has lagged behind.


