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Achieving ultrastrong adhesion of soft materials by discretized stress dispersion
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jmps.2024.105800
Xiaochun Jiang , Qingqing Chen , Meng Yang , Xi Chen , Tongqing Lu , Tiejun Wang

The adhesion of soft materials often fails due to stress concentration at the interface. Structural design offers an effective approach to disperse stress at the interface and enhance adhesion properties. Herein, we introduce the concept of discretized stress dispersion to achieve ultrastrong adhesion of soft materials. This involves incorporating discrete structures at the adhesion interface, with each unit structure designed to efficiently disperse stress. We implement this concept by introducing periodic strategic cuts into the adhesive, enabling it to deform into discrete mushroom-shaped structures under peel forces. Utilizing fracture mechanics theory, we demonstrate that such structural design can significantly improve adhesion strength compared to adhesives without structural design. Through 3D printing, we fabricate adhesive samples with strategic cuts, achieving a peak peel force of 3479 N/m, over 100-fold higher than adhesives without cuts (25 N/m). We analyzed stress dispersion of each unit structure through experiments of with different geometric parameters and analyze collaborative effects of multiple structures with theoretical model. Finite element analysis of the peel process highlights the critical role of cohesive zone influenced by geometric parameters, which determines the peak peel force. This concept of discretized stress dispersion advances the development of soft materials with ultrastrong adhesion.



软材料的粘合常常由于界面处的应力集中而失效。结构设计提供了一种有效的方法来分散界面处的应力并增强粘合性能。在这里,我们引入离散应力分散的概念来实现软材料的超强粘附。这涉及在粘合界面处合并离散结构,每个单元结构都设计用于有效分散应力。我们通过在粘合剂中引入周期性的策略性切割来实现这一概念,使其在剥离力的作用下变形为离散的蘑菇形结构。利用断裂力学理论,我们证明与没有结构设计的粘合剂相比,这种结构设计可以显着提高粘合强度。通过 3D 打印,我们制造了具有策略性切口的粘合剂样品,其峰值剥离力达到 3479 N/m,比无切口的粘合剂 (25 N/m) 高 100 倍以上。通过不同几何参数的实验分析各个单元结构的应力分散情况,并通过理论模型分析多个结构的协同效应。剥离过程的有限元分析强调了受几何参数影响的内聚区的关键作用,它决定了峰值剥离力。这种离散应力分散的概念促进了具有超强附着力的软材料的发展。