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A wavelet packet deep learning model for Energy-Based structural collapse assessment under Earthquake-Fire Scenarios: Framework and hybrid simulation
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing ( IF 7.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2024.111784
Yuxuan Tao , Zhao-Dong Xu , Yaxin Wei , Xin-Yu Liu , Xulei Zang , Shi-Dong Li

An energy-based framework is proposed for the dynamic stability assessment of structures subjected to earthquake-fire scenarios and verified through earthquake-fire hybrid simulation. In this framework, the wavelet packet Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model is used to separate the noise and residue caused by earthquake and fire within the structural response signals, guided by wavelet packet energy and power spectral density of signals. Moreover, a comparative analysis is performed with 4 previous signal processing models (empirical mode decomposition, variational mode decomposition, wavelet packet transform, and LSTM). Additionally, Latin hypercube sampling is employed to account for uncertainties in structural characteristics and hazards for dataset establishment and fragility analysis. The experimental findings suggest a decline in the structural dominant frequency with the emergence of high-frequency noise and residuals in structural responses due to the multi-hazard effect. The wavelet packet transform eliminates the high-frequency noise in the signal and avoids the oscillation of the LSTM prediction results. Post-earthquake fire increases the structural collapse possibility even under a moderate earthquake excitation. The proposed framework proves to be rational and has the potential to be further applied to other multi-hazard scenarios.


