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Kurtosis and crest factor simultaneous control for non-Gaussian random vibration test
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing ( IF 7.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2024.111760
Ronghui Zheng , FeiFei Chen , Guoping Wang , Fufeng Yang

Non-Gaussian random vibration tests have received increasing attention in the field of dynamic environmental testing. This paper presents a kurtosis and crest factor simultaneous control strategy for producing the preset stationary non-Gaussian random vibration environment. A novel generation method of non-Gaussian random vibration signal is proposed, which is composed of the shock and random signal components. The advantage of the method is that the kurtosis and crest factor of the signal can be controlled simultaneously and thus it can simulate more real non-Gaussian random vibrations. The first four statistical properties of the proposed non-Gaussian random signal are formulated. Subsequently, a closed-loop control procedure for the non-Gaussian random vibration test by kurtosis and crest factor control is elaborated. The monotonicity analyses of two crucial parameters on the kurtosis and crest factor control are discussed. Finally, a two-degree-of-freedom vibration simulation and a cantilever beam non-Gaussian vibration test are provided, and the results indicate the feasibility and validity of the presented control strategy.


