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Renormalization of the primordial inflationary power spectra
Physics Letters B ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138926
Silvia Pla , Ben A. Stefanek

It has been suggested that the effects of renormalization significantly reduce the amplitude of the inflationary spectra at scales measurable in the cosmic microwave background. Via a gauge-invariant analysis, we compute the renormalized scalar and tensor power spectra and follow their evolution in an inflating universe that undergoes a transition to an FRW phase with a growing horizon. For perturbations originating from Minkowski vacuum fluctuations, we show that the standard prediction for the spectra on superhorizon scales is a late-time attractor, while they are UV finite at all times. Our result is independent of the equation of state after inflation, showing that the standard prediction is fully robust.



有人提出,重整化的影响显着降低了宇宙微波背景可测量尺度上的暴胀频谱的幅度。通过规范不变分析,我们计算了重正化标量和张量功率谱,并跟踪它们在膨胀宇宙中的演化,该宇宙经历了向 FRW 相的转变,且地平线不断增长。对于源自闵可夫斯基真空涨落的扰动,我们表明超地平线尺度上光谱的标准预测是后期吸引子,而它们始终是 UV 有限的。我们的结果与通货膨胀后的状态方程无关,表明标准预测是完全稳健的。