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Design of long focal length terahertz optical system
Optical Review ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s10043-024-00901-8
JunJie Sun

Terahertz imaging has significant development prospects in terahertz technology due to its strong penetration and high spatial resolution. Currently, optical system designs are generally limited to the visible light range. To design an optical system suitable for terahertz imaging, an analysis of optical materials and system structures has been conducted. TPX (4-methylpentene-1) material and inverse telephoto structure were selected as the design basis. A terahertz optical system with a full field angle of 50°, a relative aperture of 1/4 and a focal length of 100 mm is designed using ZEMAX. The optimization results show that the root mean square radius of the spot in each field of view is smaller than the airy disk radius, indicating good imaging quality of the system.



太赫兹成像由于其穿透力强、空间分辨率高,在太赫兹技术中具有重大的发展前景。目前,光学系统设计通常局限于可见光范围。为了设计适合太赫兹成像的光学系统,对光学材料和系统结构进行了分析。选择TPX(4-甲基戊烯-1)材料和反长焦结构作为设计基础。利用ZEMAX设计了全视场角50°、相对孔径1/4、焦距100 mm的太赫兹光学系统。优化结果表明,各视场光斑的均方根半径均小于艾里斑半径,表明系统成像质量良好。
