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Writing instruction with grade-level/college-bound secondary deaf students.
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-17 , DOI: 10.1093/deafed/enad062
Kimberly Wolbers 1 , Hannah Dostal 2 , Leala Holcomb 1 , Kelsey Spurgin 3

In the current study, we used a sequential explanatory design to examine secondary writing instruction for deaf students in various school settings. An examination of secondary writing instruction was carried out in two cycles using a survey and subsequent focus group discussions. The first cycle (n = 222) presented an overview of secondary writing instruction for deaf students with diverse skill levels. The second cycle (n = 18) focused on writing instruction specific to grade-level or college-bound deaf students. We compared results from both cycles to investigate the similarities and differences in instructional practices and research needs between the two groups. We found that teachers are generally more prepared to instruct deaf students who are at grade level due to widely available curricula aligned with grade-level benchmarks. This contrasts with the challenges teachers face with creating or adapting materials for those who have experienced language deprivation. According to teachers, grade-level students receive 1.5 hr more weekly in writing instruction compared to the full sample. This study also indicates the importance of training teachers to teach skills in crafting arguments through writing, given its applicability to deaf students' future academic and personal goals.



在当前的研究中,我们使用顺序解释性设计来检查不同学校环境中聋哑学生的中学写作教学。通过调查和随后的焦点小组讨论,分两个周期对中学写作教学进行了检查。第一个周期(n = 222)概述了针对不同技能水平的聋哑学生的中学写作教学。第二个周期(n = 18)侧重于编写针对年级或即将上大学的聋哑学生的说明。我们比较了两个周期的结果,以调查两组之间教学实践和研究需求的异同。我们发现,由于广泛提供的课程符合年级水平基准,教师通常更愿意指导年级水平的聋哑学生。这与教师在为经历过语言剥夺的人创建或改编材料时面临的挑战形成鲜明对比。据教师介绍,与全部样本相比,年级学生每周接受的写作指导时间多了 1.5 小时。这项研究还表明,鉴于写作对聋哑学生未来学业和个人目标的适用性,培训教师教授通过写作撰写论证的技能的重要性。