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Advances in quantifying the drivers of the occurrence, transport, and fate of freshwater microplastics
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology ( IF 11.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-7-13 , DOI: 10.1080/10643389.2024.2380537
Chang Li 1 , Dan Luo 1 , Yi Shi 1 , Xue Bai 1, 2 , Stefan Krause 3, 4 , Ruifeng Wang 1 , Kexin Li 3

Freshwater microplastics (MPs) can profoundly impact ecosystem functioning and human health. Understanding the current status of MP occurrence and the network of factors that influence the fate and transport of MPs will help objectively assess the environmental risks of MPs and develop effective pollution control strategies. Bibliometric analysis indicates that the current global distribution of freshwater MP has significant spatiotemporal variability, with concentrations spanning seven orders of magnitude. The analysis of the network of factors highlights the importance of the physicochemical properties of MPs, especially the modification of MPs by degradation and aggregation processes. Both biological and anthropogenic factors have extremely complex and dynamic networks of interactions. Microorganisms alter the properties and transport forces of MPs through colonization and the formation of an eco-corona, plants adsorb and trap MPs while altering hydraulic conditions, and animals influence the activation and long-range transport of MPs through physical carrying, ingestion, and bioturbation. Additionally, urbanization and global climate change participate in the entire process of MP transport, thereby increasing the difficulty of understanding the coupled effects of multiple factors in MP transport and fate. Therefore, further conducting MP surveys at spatiotemporal scales based on standardization of sampling and analysis methods is a prerequisite for building a reliable MP database. While advancing the transport mechanisms studies of MPs and combining multi-field research methods to overcome the complexity of the network of factors need to attract more attention, thereby providing theoretical bases to support the formulation and implementation of MP pollution management and control.



淡水微塑料 (MP) 可以深刻影响生态系统功能和人类健康。了解MP发生的现状以及影响MP的去向和迁移的因素网络将有助于客观评估MP的环境风险并制定有效的污染控制策略。文献计量分析表明,目前淡水MP的全球分布具有显着的时空变异性,浓度跨越七个数量级。对因素网络的分析强调了 MP 理化性质的重要性,特别是通过降解和聚集过程对 MP 进行修饰。生物因素和人为因素都具有极其复杂和动态的相互作用网络。微生物通过定殖和形成生态冠来改变MP的特性和运输力,植物在改变水力条件的同时吸附和捕获MP,动物通过物理携带、摄入和生物扰动影响MP的激活和远程运输。此外,城市化和全球气候变化参与了MP运输的整个过程,从而增加了理解MP运输和命运中多种因素的耦合影响的难度。因此,在采样和分析方法标准化的基础上进一步开展时空尺度的MP调查是建立可靠的MP数据库的前提。 在推进MPs传输机制研究的同时,结合多领域的研究方法,克服因素网络的复杂性需要引起更多的关注,从而为MP污染管理和控制的制定和实施提供理论基础。