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Predictors of treatment outcome in cognitive behavioral therapy for intermittent explosive disorder: A preliminary analysis.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-19 , DOI: 10.1037/ccp0000858
Nicole K Ciesinski 1 , Martha K Zajac 2 , Michael S McCloskey 1

OBJECTIVE The present study examined potential treatment outcome predictors of a multicomponent cognitive behavioral intervention for intermittent explosive disorder (IED). METHOD The sample (n = 64; 22 female) consisted of individuals with a current diagnosis of IED that completed treatment across three study trials. Treatment outcome predictors assessed included demographic variables, psychiatric comorbidity, symptom severity, and treatment motivation/engagement. Treatment outcomes were (a) change in number of past-week aggressive acts from pretreatment to posttreatment and (b) presence of IED diagnosis at posttreatment. RESULTS Results indicated those who endorsed lower trait anger were more likely to remit from IED diagnosis at posttreatment. No other variables were found to significantly predict treatment outcome. CONCLUSIONS These findings support the notion that cognitive behavioral therapy can be effective for a wide range of individuals with IED, with little variation in efficaciousness based on presence of demographic characteristics, comorbid disorders, or treatment motivation/engagement. This seems to be particularly the case for individuals with lower levels of trait anger. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



目的 本研究探讨了间歇性爆发性障碍 (IED) 多成分认知行为干预的潜在治疗结果预测因素。方法 样本(n = 64;22 名女性)由当前诊断为 IED 且完成了三项研究试验治疗的个体组成。评估的治疗结果预测因素包括人口统计学变量、精神合并症、症状严重程度和治疗动机/参与度。治疗结果是(a)过去一周攻击行为数量从治疗前到治疗后的变化,以及(b)治疗后是否存在简易爆炸装置诊断。结果 结果表明,那些认可较低特质愤怒的人更有可能在治疗后摆脱简易爆炸装置诊断。没有发现其他变量可以显着预测治疗结果。结论 这些发现支持认知行为疗法对广泛的 IED 个体有效的观点,并且基于人口特征、合并症或治疗动机/参与度的存在,疗效几乎没有变化。对于特质愤怒水平较低的人来说尤其如此。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。