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The de-perimeterisation of information security: The Jericho Forum, zero trust, and narrativity.
Social Studies of Science ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-28 , DOI: 10.1177/03063127231221107
Matt Spencer 1 , Daniele Pizio 1

This article analyses the transformation of information security induced by the Jericho Forum, a group of security professionals who argued for a new 'de-perimeterised' security model. Having focused on defensive perimeters around networks, early 2000s information security faced a growing set of pressures: the maintainability of firewalls given increasing traffic volume and variety, the vulnerability of interior network domains, and the need to cope with and enable new working arrangements and ways of doing business. De-perimeterisation was a radical rethinking of the nature of security and created the conditions for the rise of 'Zero Trust' architectures. This shift has radical implications for the architectures of digital infrastructures that undergird many aspects of contemporary life, the risks to which people and societies are exposed, and the nature of work and business in a digital economy. We develop a semiotic analysis of the Jericho Forum's interventions. Using insights from material semiotics, security theory and the theory of narrativity, we argue that de-perimeterisation can be understood as a shift in security logic, or, a shift in how security can (be made to) make sense. We examine a cluster of images used by the Jericho Forum, and analyse how they challenged the coherence of perimeter-based thinking and provided the materials for constructing a new model. We argue that a focus on the narrative dimension of security provides a window into fundamental semantic transformations, reciprocal historical relations between semantics and technical change, the agencement of security technologies, and determinations of value (what is worth securing).


信息安全的去边界化:Jericho 论坛、零信任和叙事性。

本文分析了 Jericho Forum 引发的信息安全转型,Jericho Forum 是一群安全专业人士,他们主张一种新的“去边界化”安全模型。2000 年代初期,信息安全专注于网络周围的防御边界,面临着越来越多的压力:随着流量和种类的增加,防火墙的可维护性、内部网络域的脆弱性,以及需要应对和实现新的工作安排和开展业务的方式。去边界化是对安全本质的彻底重新思考,并为“零信任”架构的兴起创造了条件。这种转变对支撑当代生活许多方面的数字基础设施架构、人们和社会面临的风险以及数字经济中工作和商业的性质产生了根本性的影响。我们对 Jericho Forum 的干预进行了符号学分析。利用来自材料符号学、安全理论和叙事性理论的见解,我们认为去边界化可以理解为安全逻辑的转变,或者说,安全如何(变得)有意义的转变。我们研究了 Jericho Forum 使用的一组图像,并分析了它们如何挑战基于边界的思维的连贯性,并为构建新模型提供材料。我们认为,关注安全的叙事维度提供了一个窗口,让我们了解基本的语义转换、语义和技术变革之间的互惠历史关系、安全技术的发展以及价值的确定(什么是值得保护的)。