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The routinization of lay expertise: A diachronic account of the invention and stabilization of an open-source artificial pancreas.
Social Studies of Science ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-28 , DOI: 10.1177/03063127231214237
Clay Davis 1

Embodied health movements (EHMs) advance their agendas by mediating the production, circulation, and revision of biomedical knowledge. To do this, their constituents become lay experts by blending their embodied experience of illness with self-taught technical knowledge. However, it is unclear how lay expertise is routinized within EHMs, and consequently, to what extent it can be made durable in long-term partnerships with credentialed experts. I follow the OpenAPS community-a group of people with type one diabetes who engineered an open-source 'artificial pancreas'-from their inception in the transient #WeAreNotWaiting movement to their research collaborations with endocrinologists and detente with the FDA. I argue that OpenAPS user-contributors formalized their expertise in three steps: First, they broke the OpenAPS algorithm into modules so that prospective users must become experts to assemble it. Second, they lowered this barrier to entry by facilitating the socialization of new user-contributors with a training ritual. And third, they intervened in the strained endocrinologist-patient relationship. These tactics-restricting membership, reproducing expertise, and realigning interests-won the respect of credentialled experts who saw themselves in the OpenAPS community's image. While not all EHMs follow this trajectory, this case demonstrates that lay expertise can mature and assume new institutional forms without relying on commercialization or patronage.



具身健康运动(EHM)通过调节生物医学知识的生产、流通和修订来推进其议程。为此,他们的选民将自己的疾病经验与自学的技术知识相结合,成为外行专家。然而,目前尚不清楚外行专业知识如何在 EHM 内常规化,因此,在与有资格的专家的长期合作关系中可以在多大程度上使其持久。我关注 OpenAPS 社区——一群患有一型糖尿病的人,他们设计了一个开源的“人工胰腺”——从他们在短暂的 #WeAreNotWaiting 运动中诞生,到他们与内分泌学家的研究合作以及与 FDA 的缓和。我认为 OpenAPS 用户贡献者通过三个步骤将他们的专业知识形式化:首先,他们将 OpenAPS 算法分解为模块,以便潜在用户必须成为组装它的专家。其次,他们通过培训仪式促进新用户贡献者的社交,从而降低了进入门槛。第三,他们干预了内分泌科医生与患者之间紧张的关系。这些策略——限制成员资格、复制专业知识和重新调整利益——赢得了有资格的专家的尊重,他们在 OpenAPS 社区的形象中看到了自己。虽然并非所有 EHM 都遵循这一轨迹,但该案例表明,非专业知识可以成熟并采用新的制度形式,而无需依赖商业化或赞助。