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“You Need to be Able to Stand Up for What is Right”: MTV Shuga Naija’s Transformative Impact on Youth Attitudes Toward Sexual Violence in Nigeria
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-02 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241265408
Paul Hutchinson 1 , Christopher E Beaudoin 2 , Dominique Meekers 1 , Elizabeth Omoluabi 3 , Akanni Akinyemi 3, 4

In Nigeria, approximately 10% of women of reproductive age report experiencing sexual violence in the past year, with potentially enduring health and social consequences. The effects can be especially severe for younger women and adolescents. MTV Shuga Naija utilizes an entertainment-education TV serial drama to promote gender equality and challenge norms around sexual violence. Using a two-wave panel survey of Nigerian youth (574 females; 317 males) aged 15 to 24 years, this study explores the impact of MTV Shuga Naija on disclosing experiences of sexual violence, reducing stigma, and fostering dialogue. Baseline data were collected in person, while endline data were collected by telephone due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey, informed by the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), examined shifts in self-reported sexual harassment and attitudes toward victims of sexual violence. A doubly robust, difference-in-differences (DID) analysis compares changes in outcomes in treatment versus comparison areas, adjusting for observed and unobserved differences and using inverse probability weighting to enhance the precision of impact estimates. DID models show significant attitude shifts and increased disclosure of sexual violence among youth exposed to MTV Shuga Naija. Agreement with victim-blaming statements dropped significantly for both men and women in treatment versus comparison areas. However, contrary to hypotheses, respondents in comparison areas were more likely to discuss sexual violence with family, although the context and content of these discussions could not be examined. This study therefore confirms that MTV Shuga Naija’s entertainment-education effectively improves attitudes and behaviors concerning sexual violence. Even so, victim-blaming norms and experiences of sexual violence remain prevalent. While the program has made progress in addressing this sensitive issue in Nigeria, further research is needed to improve family and community dialogues and to enhance support for victims.


“你需要能够坚持正义”:MTV Shuga Naija 对尼日利亚青少年对性暴力态度的变革性影响

在尼日利亚,大约 10% 的育龄妇女报告在过去一年遭受过性暴力,并可能造成持久的健康和社会后果。对于年轻女性和青少年来说,影响尤其严重。 MTV Shuga Naija 利用一部娱乐教育电视剧来促进性别平等并挑战有关性暴力的规范。本研究对 15 至 24 岁的尼日利亚青少年(574 名女性;317 名男性)进行了两轮小组调查,探讨了 MTV Shuga Naija 对披露性暴力经历、减少耻辱和促进对话的影响。由于 COVID-19 大流行,基线数据是亲自收集的,而最终数据是通过电话收集的。这项调查以计划行为理论(TPB)为基础,研究了自我报告的性骚扰和对性暴力受害者的态度的变化。双重稳健的双重差异 (DID) 分析比较治疗区域与比较区域的结果变化,调整观察到的和未观察到的差异,并使用逆概率加权来提高影响估计的精度。 DID 模型显示,接触 MTV Shuga Naija 的青少年态度发生了显着转变,性暴力的披露也有所增加。与比较区域相比,接受治疗的男性和女性对受害者指责声明的认同度显着下降。然而,与假设相反,比较地区的受访者更有可能与家人讨论性暴力,尽管无法检查这些讨论的背景和内容。因此,这项研究证实,MTV Shuga Naija 的娱乐教育有效地改善了人们对性暴力的态度和行为。 即便如此,指责受害者的性暴力规范和经历仍然普遍存在。尽管该计划在解决尼日利亚的这一敏感问题方面取得了进展,但仍需要进一步研究以改善家庭和社区对话并加强对受害者的支持。