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Ableism, Code-Switching, and Camouflaging: A Letter to the Editor on Gerlach-Houck and DeThorne (2023).
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-21 , DOI: 10.1044/2023_lshss-23-00037
Julie Roberts 1

PURPOSE This letter to the editor is in response to the Gerlach-Houck and DeThorne (2023) epilogue regarding their proposal for speech-language pathologists to offer Autistic code-switching (Autistic masking and camouflage) as a viable, non-ableist social communication tool that Autistic clients may choose to use in "high-stakes" social situations. In connection with Autistic code-switching, the authors reference "the debate" regarding code-switching in "African American Vernacular English speakers," specifically, whether "standard" English should be encouraged as a way to access "conventional forms of success." CONCLUSION Professionally training Autistic clients to "code-switch" with the goal of improving the client's chances of accessing conventional forms of success is essentially training Autistic masking and camouflaging. This type of therapy reinforces to both the Autistic client, as well as society, the position that hiding a person's Autistic traits is a pathway to acceptance and success. Autistic camouflaging has detrimental ramifications for mental health outcomes; perpetuates both internalized and societal stigma; hinders bias and discrimination deconstruction; reinforces ableist values; and fails to dismantle power inequities and social barriers that lead to marginalization, oppression, and exclusion.


能力论、语码转换和伪装:致关于 Gerlach-Houck 和 DeThorne 的编辑的一封信 (2023)。

目的这封写给编辑的信是对 Gerlach-Houck 和 DeThorne (2023) 结语的回应,该结语涉及言语病理学家提出的将自闭症语码转换(自闭症掩蔽和伪装)作为一种可行的、非残障人士社交沟通工具的建议自闭症患者可能会选择在“高风险”社交场合使用。关于自闭症语码转换,作者提到了关于“非裔美国人白话英语使用者”语码转换的“辩论”,特别是是否应该鼓励“标准”英语作为获得“传统成功形式”的一种方式。结论 专业训练自闭症患者进行“语码转换”,目的是提高患者获得传统成功方式的机会,本质上是训练自闭症患者的掩饰和伪装。这种类型的治疗强化了自闭症患者和社会的立场,即隐藏一个人的自闭症特征是接受和成功的途径。自闭症伪装对心理健康结果有不利影响;使内在的和社会的耻辱永久化;阻碍偏见和歧视的解构;强化体能主义价值观;未能消除导致边缘化、压迫和排斥的权力不平等和社会障碍。