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White mock jurors' moral emotional responses to viewing female victim photographs depend on the victim's race.
Law and Human Behavior ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-01 , DOI: 10.1037/lhb0000545
Hannah J Phalen 1 , Jessica M Salerno 2 , Madison Adamoli 2 , Janice Nadler 3

OBJECTIVE Jurors often see both premortem photographs of female murder victims before death and postmortem photographs after death. Postmortem photographs are often probative but might prejudicially heighten jurors' other-condemning emotions, such as anger and disgust. Premortem photographs are often not probative and might prejudicially heighten jurors' other-suffering emotions, such as sympathy and empathy. We examined how victim race changes the impact of pre- and postmortem photographs on participants' moral emotions and, in turn, their verdicts. HYPOTHESES We hypothesized that seeing postmortem (vs. no) photographs would increase convictions through other-condemning emotions for White, but not Latina or Black, victims. We also hypothesized that seeing both pre- and postmortem (vs. only postmortem) photographs would further increase convictions through other-suffering emotions, again for White, but not Latina or Black, female victims. METHOD White participants (N = 1,261) watched a murder trial video. We manipulated the victim's race (White, Black, or Latina) and whether participants saw no victim photographs, premortem photographs of a female victim, postmortem photographs of a female victim, or both pre- and postmortem photographs. Participants reported the emotions they felt during the trial and chose a verdict. RESULTS Seeing postmortem (vs. no) victim photographs increased White participants' guilty verdicts through other-condemning emotions when the female victim was White or Latina but not when she was Black. Seeing the combination of pre- and postmortem photographs increased White participants' convictions through other-suffering emotions when the victim was a White woman but not when she was Latina or Black. CONCLUSIONS Attorneys and judges should consider that jurors' emotional reactions to victim photographs are felt selectively depending on the victim's race and could exacerbate racial biases in jurors' judgments. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).



客观 陪审员经常看到女性谋杀案受害者生前的验尸照片和死后的验尸照片。尸检照片通常具有证明作用,但可能会偏见性地加剧陪审员谴责他人的情绪,例如愤怒和厌恶。尸检前的照片通常不具有证明力,并且可能会偏见性地增强陪审员对其他受难者的情感,例如同情和同理心。我们研究了受害者种族如何改变死前和死后照片对参与者道德情绪的影响,进而影响他们的判断。假设我们假设,看到死后照片(相对于没有照片)会通过其他谴责情绪增加对白人受害者的定罪,但不会增加对拉丁裔或黑人受害者的定罪。我们还假设,看到死前和死后(相对于仅死后)照片会进一步增加通过其他痛苦情绪而定罪的信念,同样是针对白人女性受害者,但不是拉丁裔或黑人女性受害者。方法 白人参与者(N = 1,261)观看谋杀案审判视频。我们操纵了受害者的种族(白人、黑人或拉丁裔)以及参与者是否没有看到受害者照片、女性受害者的死前照片、女性受害者的死后照片或死前和死后的照片。参与者报告了他们在审判过程中感受到的情绪并选择了判决。结果当女性受害者是白人或拉丁裔时,看到受害者死后照片(与没有看到)会增加白人参与者通过其他谴责情绪做出的有罪判决,但当她是黑人时则不会。当受害者是白人女性时,看到死前和死后照片的结合会增加白人参与者通过其他受难情绪而确信的信念,但当受害者是拉丁裔或黑人时则不会。 结论 律师和法官应该考虑到,陪审员对受害人照片的情绪反应是根据受害人的种族有选择性地感受到的,并且可能会加剧陪审员判断中的种族偏见。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2023 APA,保留所有权利)。