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Design, construction, and testing of an exploding wire pulsed plasma system for generating shock waves in industrial applications
Radiation Physics and Chemistry ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2024.112094
Maryam Akbari Nasaji , Morteza Habibi , Reza Amrollahi

Exploding Wire Pulsed Plasma System (EWPPS) used in oil recovery operations has been construct and developed with an initial energy release of 1.5 kJ in a fusion laboratory. Recently, the final experiments have been carried out on the purpose device operating in microsecond time scale in air and fluid medium successfully. In this setup, a single wire feeder is used for tests. Also, to study and develop the shock waves caused by wire explosions in the industry, the diagnostic tools of voltage probe, current coil, pressure probe and photodiode have been used. Choosing the optimal material of wire is one of the basic factors in creating a suitable shock wave. In addition, the impact of wire inductance on discharge current, voltage, pressure and shock wave strength has been investigated by applying two sets of wires, refractory (Cu, Cu-Ni, and Steel) and non-refractory (W, W-Al, Mo). The results show that the strongest shock wave is produced while the transition from warm wire to dense plasma happens. The soft X-ray intensity of both wire series has been measured using a photodiode BPX-65 (<10 keV). The comparison shows higher X-ray intensity for non-refractory wires than that for refractory wires. In good agreement, the maximum value of the shock wave was 8.7 and 6.6 MPa for non-refractory metals with high inductance and refractory metals with low inductance, respectively.



用于采油作业的爆炸线脉冲等离子体系统 (EWPPS) 已在聚变实验室中构建和开发,初始能量释放为 1.5 kJ。最近,该装置在空气和流体介质中成功进行了微秒级时间运行的最终实验。在此设置中,使用单个送丝机进行测试。另外,为了研究和开发工业中电线爆炸引起的冲击波,已经使用了电压探头、电流线圈、压力探头和光电二极管的诊断工具。选择最佳的线材材料是产生合适的冲击波的基本因素之一。此外,通过应用耐火材料(Cu、Cu-Ni、钢)和非耐火材料(W、W-Al)两组导线,研究了导线电感对放电电流、电压、压力和冲击波强度的影响。 ,莫)。结果表明,当从热丝过渡到致密等离子体时,会产生最强的冲击波。两个线系列的软 X 射线强度均使用光电二极管 BPX-65 (<10 keV) 进行测量。比较显示,非耐火线的 X 射线强度高于耐火线的 X 射线强度。一致地,对于高电感的非难熔金属和低电感的难熔金属,冲击波的最大值分别为 8.7 和 6.6 MPa。