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Review of recycled soda-lime-silicate (SLS) glasses for dosimetric applications
Radiation Physics and Chemistry ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2024.112085
Nabasu Seth Ezra , Iskandar Shahrim Mustafa , M.I. Sayyed , K.K. Dakok , Thair Hussein Khazaalah , G.I. Efenji , Munirah Jamil , Hayder Salah Naeem , A.O. Oke , I.M. Fadhirul

This work reviews the dosimetric applications of soda-lime-silicate (SLS) glasses for thermoluminescence radiation dosimetry. Several research databases were consulted to source for different methodologies adopted in making radiation detection materials mainly from the SLS glasses. The various types of SLS glasses, including those made of flat (plate or sheet) glasses, optical fiber, and container glasses, attracted interest. The SLS material was either used as a substitute for pure SiO2 by grinding it into a powder form and then melting the resulting mixture to create glass (melt quenching) or by using the ground powder directly for the dosimetric analysis or by directly examining the dosimetric properties of the SLS glass sheets through manual cleaning and cutting the glass samples to fit the planchet in the TLD reader. Some characterizations such as EDS, XRF, and WDXRF were considered to know the chemical makeup of the oxide compounds existing in the SLS glasses such as the glass former (SiO2), the glass flux (Na2O), the glass stabilizer (CaO) and the minor compounds like Al2O3 and others. Basic concepts involving the kinds of SLS material type, melting temperature, radiation type, pre-irradiation annealing temperature (PIAT1), time-temperature profile (TTP), TLD reader used, post-irradiation annealing temperature (PIAT2), and the TLD application area have been captured not forgetting the sources of the SLS material.


用于剂量测定应用的回收钠钙硅酸盐 (SLS) 玻璃的回顾

这项工作回顾了钠钙硅酸盐(SLS)玻璃在热释光辐射剂量测定中的剂量测定应用。我们查阅了多个研究数据库,以了解主要由 SLS 玻璃制造辐射探测材料所采用的不同方法。各种类型的SLS玻璃,包括由平板(板或片)玻璃、光纤和容器玻璃制成的玻璃,引起了人们的兴趣。 SLS 材料可用作纯 SiO2 的替代品,方法是将其研磨成粉末形式,然后将所得混合物熔化以形成玻璃(熔融淬火),或者直接使用研磨粉末进行剂量测定分析或直接检查剂量测定特性通过手动清洁和切割玻璃样品以适合 TLD 读取器中的板坯,对 SLS 玻璃板进行加工。 EDS、XRF 和 WDXRF 等一些表征被认为可以了解 SLS 玻璃中存在的氧化物的化学组成,例如玻璃形成剂 (SiO2)、玻璃助熔剂 (Na2O)、玻璃稳​​定剂 (CaO) 和玻璃稳定剂 (CaO)。次要化合物,如 Al2O3 等。基本概念涉及SLS材料类型、熔化温度、辐射类型、辐照前退火温度(PIAT1)、时间-温度曲线(TTP)、使用的TLD阅读器、辐照后退火温度(PIAT2)和TLD应用区域已被捕获,同时也不要忘记 SLS 材料的来源。