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Influence of water-soluble leachates from natural fibers on the hydration and microstructure of cement paste studied by nuclear magnetic resonance
Cement and Concrete Research ( IF 10.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cemconres.2024.107629
XiaoXiao Zhang , Leo Pel , David Smeulders

This study aims to evaluate the influence of natural fiber leachates on cement pastes for advanced bio-composite production. Cement samples are made by mixing cement with leachates from oil palm and coir fibers at three concentrations. Through Nuclear Magnetic Resonance T-T relaxations, fresh cement samples are evaluated for hydration reaction and microstructure. Results show that oil palm fiber leachates prolong plateaus in T and T, suggesting a retarding effect on cement hydration. Subsequently, increased T values and an extra T component are observed which suggest coarser pores. Additionally, the leachates increase water fractions, reflecting reduced cement hydration degree. With increasing leachate concentration, the retarding effect and extra larger pores become apparent. Conversely, coir fiber leachates exhibit negligible influence. This difference is attributed to the less saccharides. These saccharides function through simultaneous adsorption, nucleation, complexation and precipitation. In conclusion, coir fibers demonstrate better compatibility with cement than oil palm concerning leachates.



本研究旨在评估天然纤维渗滤液对先进生物复合材料生产的水泥浆体的影响。水泥样品是通过将水泥与油棕和椰壳纤维的渗滤液以三种浓度混合制成的。通过核磁共振 TT 弛豫,评估新水泥样品的水化反应和微观结构。结果表明,油棕纤维浸出液延长了 T 和 T 的平台期,表明对水泥水化具有延迟作用。随后,观察到 T 值增加和额外的 T 分量,这表明孔隙较粗。此外,渗滤液增加了水含量,反映了水泥水化程度的降低。随着渗滤液浓度的增加,阻滞效应和更大的孔隙变得明显。相反,椰壳纤维渗滤液的影响可以忽略不计。这种差异归因于糖类较少。这些糖通过同时吸附、成核、络合和沉淀发挥作用。总之,在渗滤液方面,椰壳纤维与水泥的相容性比油棕更好。