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Limitations to fungal diversity in forest soil during secondary succession
Ecography ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-02 , DOI: 10.1111/ecog.07473
James M. Doonan 1

The Bass Becking and Beijerinck theory of the microbial world that ‘everything is everywhere but the environment selects' has provided a basis to test microbial ecological theory for almost a century. Applying theory to the apparent chaos of the microbial world is arduous, and applying rules that guide our understanding is difficult. The Bass Becking and Beijerinck theory attempts to explain microbial community structure, i.e. why are certain microbes in a given environment? And why is a particular environment populated by certain microbes? Since the theory was advanced, limitations have been found. In particular, the advent of next‐generation sequencing in the 2000s has amplified our ability to categorize and quantify the microbial world. Despite evident limitations demonstrating that the Bass Becking and Beijerinck theory is an oversimplification, it is perhaps the most unifying theory within microbial ecology.



巴斯·贝克金和拜耶林克的微生物世界理论“万物无处不在,只是环境选择”,为检验微生物生态理论提供了近一个世纪的基础。将理论应用于微生物世界表面上的混乱是艰巨的,应用指导我们理解的规则也很困难。 Bass Becking 和 Beijerinck 理论试图解释微生物群落结构,即为什么某些微生物存在于给定环境中?为什么特定的环境中充满了某些微生物?自该理论提出以来,也发现了其局限性。特别是,2000 年代新一代测序的出现增强了我们对微生物世界进行分类和量化的能力。尽管存在明显的局限性,表明巴斯·贝克金和拜杰林克的理论过于简单化,但它可能是微生物生态学中最统一的理论。