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Long-lived collective Rydberg excitations in atomic gas achieved via ac-Stark lattice modulation
Quantum ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-02 , DOI: 10.22331/q-2024-08-02-1431
Stanisław Kurzyna 1, 2 , Bartosz Niewelt 1, 2 , Mateusz Mazelanik 1 , Wojciech Wasilewski 1, 2 , Michał Parniak 1, 2

Collective Rydberg excitations provide promising applications ranging from quantum information processing, and quantum computing to ultra-sensitive electrometry. However, their short lifetime is an immense obstacle in real-life scenarios. The state-of-the-art methods of prolonging the lifetime were mainly implemented for ground-state quantum memories and would require a redesign to effectively work on different atomic transitions. We propose a protocol for extending the Rydberg excitation lifetime, which in principle can freeze the spin-wave and completely cancel the effects of thermal dephasing. The protocol employs off-resonant ac-Stark lattice modulation of spin waves by interfering two laser beams on the atomic medium. Our implementation showed that the excitation lifetime can be extended by an order of magnitude, paving the way towards more complex protocols for collective Rydberg excitations.


通过 ac-Stark 晶格调制实现原子气体中的长寿命集体里德伯激发

集体里德伯激发提供了从量子信息处理、量子计算到超灵敏静电测量等有前景的应用。然而,它们的短暂寿命在现实生活中是一个巨大的障碍。延长寿命的最先进方法主要是针对基态量子存储器实现的,需要重新设计才能有效地处理不同的原子跃迁。我们提出了一种延长里德伯激发寿命的协议,原则上可以冻结自旋波并完全消除热移相的影响。该协议通过干扰原子介质上的两束激光束,采用自旋波的非共振 ac-Stark 晶格调制。我们的实现表明,激发寿命可以延长一个数量级,为更复杂的集体里德伯激发协议铺平了道路。