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Follicular Fluid Metabolomics: Tool for Predicting IVF Outcomes of Different Infertility Causes
Reproductive Sciences ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s43032-024-01664-y
Yijing Zhang 1, 2 , Chenyan He 3 , Yuedong He 1, 2 , Zhongyi Zhu 1, 2

Infertility affects approximately 15% of couples at child-bearing ages and assisted reproductive technologies (ART), especially in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET), provided infertile patients with an effective solution. The current paradox is that multiple embryo transfer that may leads to severe obstetric and perinatal complications seems to be the most valid measure to secure high success rate in the majority of clinic centers. Therefore, to avoid multiple transfer of embryos, it is urgent to explore biomarkers for IVF prognosis to select high-quality oocytes and embryos. Follicular fluid (FF), a typical biofluid constituted of the plasma effusion and granulosa-cell secretion, provides essential intracellular substances for oocytes maturation and its variation in composition reflects oocyte developmental competence and embryo viability. With the advances in metabolomics methodology, metabolomics, as an accurate and sensitive analyzing method, has been utilized to explore predictors in FF for ART success. Although FF metabolomics has provided a great possibility for screening markers with diagnostic and predictive value, its effectiveness is still doubted by some researchers. This may be resulted from the ignorance of the impact of sterility causes on the FF metabolomic profiles and thus its predictive ability might not be rightly illustrated. Therefore, in this review, we categorically demonstrate the study of FF metabolomics according to specific infertility causes, expecting to reveal the predicting value of metabolomics for IVF outcomes.


卵泡液代谢组学:预测不同不孕原因的 IVF 结果的工具

不孕症影响着大约15%的育龄夫妇,辅助生殖技术(ART),特别是体外受精和胚胎移植(IVF-ET),为不孕症患者提供了有效的解决方案。目前的悖论是,可能导致严重产科和围产期并发症的多胚胎移植似乎是大多数临床中心确保高成功率的最有效措施。因此,为避免胚胎多次移植,迫切需要探索IVF预后的生物标志物,以选择高质量的卵母细胞和胚胎。卵泡液(FF)是一种典型的生物液体,由血浆渗出物和颗粒细胞分泌物组成,为卵母细胞成熟提供必需的细胞内物质,其成分的变化反映了卵母细胞的发育能力和胚胎活力。随着代谢组学方法的进步,代谢组学作为一种准确、灵敏的分析方法,已被用来探索 FF 中 ART 成功的预测因素。尽管FF代谢组学为筛选具有诊断和预测价值的标志物提供了很大的可能性,但其有效性仍受到一些研究者的怀疑。这可能是由于忽视了不育原因对 FF 代谢组谱的影响,因此其预测能力可能无法正确说明。因此,在这篇综述中,我们根据具体的不孕原因明确地论证了FF代谢组学的研究,以期揭示代谢组学对IVF结局的预测价值。
