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CARE-ing for Indigenous nonhuman genomic data — rethinking our approach
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-01 , DOI: 10.1126/science.adr2493
Tahu Kukutai , Amanda Black

Earlier this year, an international group of scientists published a paper in Science Advances on the draft genome of the little bush moa ( Anomalopteryx didiformis ), one of about nine species of extinct flightless birds endemic to Aotearoa (New Zealand). The genome was sequenced from the ancient DNA of a “ poorly provenanced ” fossil bone acquired by the Royal Ontario Museum. It held important clues about the moa’s evolutionary history and aspects of its biology.



今年早些时候,一个国际科学家小组在《科学进展》上发表了一篇关于小灌木恐鸟(Anomalopteryx didiformis)基因组草图的论文,小丛林恐鸟是新西兰特有的九种灭绝的不会飞的鸟类之一。该基因组是根据皇家安大略博物馆获得的一块“来源不良”的化石骨头的古代 DNA 进行测序的。它掌握了有关恐鸟进化史及其生物学方面的重要线索。