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Mechanism of PCNA loading by Ctf18-RFC for leading-strand DNA synthesis
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-01 , DOI: 10.1126/science.adk5901
Zuanning Yuan 1 , Roxana Georgescu 2, 3 , Nina Y Yao 2 , Olga Yurieva 2, 3 , Michael E O'Donnell 2, 3 , Huilin Li 1

The proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) clamp encircles DNA to hold DNA polymerases (Pols) to DNA for processivity. The Ctf18-RFC PCNA loader, a replication factor C (RFC) variant, is specific to the leading-strand Pol (Polε). We reveal here the underlying mechanism of Ctf18-RFC specificity to Polε using cryo–electron microscopy and biochemical studies. We found that both Ctf18-RFC and Polε contain specific structural features that direct PCNA loading onto DNA. Unlike other clamp loaders, Ctf18-RFC has a disordered ATPase associated with a diverse cellular activities (AAA+) motor that requires Polε to bind and stabilize it for efficient PCNA loading. In addition, Ctf18-RFC can pry prebound Polε off of DNA, then load PCNA onto DNA and transfer the PCNA-DNA back to Polε. These elements in both Ctf18-RFC and Polε provide specificity in loading PCNA onto DNA for Polε.


Ctf18-RFC 加载 PCNA 合成前导链 DNA 的机制

增殖细胞核抗原 (PCNA) 夹环绕 DNA,将 DNA 聚合酶 (Pols) 固定在 DNA 上以实现持续合成。 Ctf18-RFC PCNA 加载程序是一种复制因子 C (RFC) 变体,专门针对前导链 Pol (Polε)。我们利用冷冻电子显微镜和生化研究揭示了 Ctf18-RFC 对 Polε 特异性的潜在机制。我们发现 Ctf18-RFC 和 Polε 都包含指导 PCNA 加载到 DNA 上的特定结构特征。与其他钳式装载机不同,Ctf18-RFC 具有与多种细胞活动 (AAA+) 马达相关的无序 ATP 酶,需要 Polε 结合并稳定它以实现有效的 PCNA 装载。此外,Ctf18-RFC 可以将预结合的 Polε 从 DNA 上撬开,然后将 PCNA 加载到 DNA 上,并将 PCNA-DNA 转移回 Polε。 Ctf18-RFC 和 Polε 中的这些元件提供了将 PCNA 加载到 Polε DNA 上的特异性。