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Convergence of biological nitration and nitrosation via symmetrical nitrous anhydride
Nature Chemical Biology ( IF 12.9 ) Pub Date : 2015-05-25 , DOI: 10.1038/nchembio.1814
Dario A Vitturi 1 , Lucia Minarrieta 2 , Sonia R Salvatore 1 , Edward M Postlethwait 3 , Marco Fazzari 4 , Gerardo Ferrer-Sueta 5 , Jack R Lancaster 6 , Bruce A Freeman 1 , Francisco J Schopfer 1

The current perspective holds that the generation of secondary signaling mediators from nitrite (NO2) requires acidification to nitrous acid (HNO2) or metal catalysis. Herein, the use of stable isotope–labeled NO2 and LC-MS/MS analysis of products reveals that NO2 also participates in fatty acid nitration and thiol S-nitrosation at neutral pH. These reactions occur in the absence of metal centers and are stimulated by autoxidation of nitric oxide (NO) via the formation of symmetrical dinitrogen trioxide (nitrous anhydride, symN2O3). Although theoretical models have predicted physiological symN2O3 formation, its generation is now demonstrated in aqueous reaction systems, cell models and in vivo, with the concerted reactions of NO and NO2 shown to be critical for symN2O3 formation. These results reveal new mechanisms underlying the NO2 propagation of NO signaling and the regulation of both biomolecule function and signaling network activity via NO2-dependent nitrosation and nitration reactions.



目前的观点认为,从亚硝酸盐 (NO 2 - )产生二级信号介质需要酸化为亚硝酸 (HNO 2 ) 或金属催化。在此,使用稳定同位素标记的 NO 2 -和 LC-MS/MS 分析产品表明,NO 2 -在中性 pH 值下也参与脂肪酸硝化和硫醇 S-亚硝化。这些反应在没有金属中心的情况下发生,并且通过形成对称的三氧化二氮(亚硝酸酐,sym N 2 O 3)而受到一氧化氮 ( NO)的自动氧化的刺激。虽然理论模型已经预测了生理sym N 2 O 3 的形成,现在已在水性反应系统、细胞模型和体内证明其生成,其中 NO 和 NO 2 -的协同反应对sym N 2 O 3 的形成至关重要。这些结果揭示了 NO 2 -传播的新机制 NO 信号传导以及通过 NO 2 -依赖的亚硝化和硝化反应调节生物分子功能和信号网络活动。
