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The Inversion Problem: Why Algorithms Should Infer Mental State and Not Just Predict Behavior.
Perspectives on Psychological Science ( IF 10.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-12 , DOI: 10.1177/17456916231212138
Jon Kleinberg 1 , Jens Ludwig 2 , Sendhil Mullainathan 3 , Manish Raghavan 4

More and more machine learning is applied to human behavior. Increasingly these algorithms suffer from a hidden-but serious-problem. It arises because they often predict one thing while hoping for another. Take a recommender system: It predicts clicks but hopes to identify preferences. Or take an algorithm that automates a radiologist: It predicts in-the-moment diagnoses while hoping to identify their reflective judgments. Psychology shows us the gaps between the objectives of such prediction tasks and the goals we hope to achieve: People can click mindlessly; experts can get tired and make systematic errors. We argue such situations are ubiquitous and call them "inversion problems": The real goal requires understanding a mental state that is not directly measured in behavioral data but must instead be inverted from the behavior. Identifying and solving these problems require new tools that draw on both behavioral and computational science.


