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A low-storage synchronization framework for blockchain systems
Journal of Network and Computer Applications ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jnca.2024.103977
Yi-Xiang Wang , Yu-Ling Hsueh

The advent of blockchain technology has brought major changes to traditional centralized storage. Therefore, various fields have begun to study the application and development of blockchain. However, blockchain technology has a serious shortcoming of data bloating. The reason is that blockchain technology achieves decentralization by storing complete blockchain data at each node, incurring a significant amount of blockchain data. Therefore, each node must spend significant amount of storage space and initialization synchronization time. To solve the above problems, in this research, we propose a secure and agile synchronization framework for low storage blockchains. First, we design a K-extreme segment algorithm, which reduces the synchronization time by returning only the first and last blocks of each block segment at once to the local storage. Next, we decentrally store the block data of the blockchain by IPFS and establish a backup mechanism by IPFS-cluster. Finally, due to use of distributed storage, the nodes must request un-stored block data from IPFS, causing an increase in the throughput of the blockchain network. To avoid network congestion, we propose the working set algorithm to improve the hit ratio of the local storage and reduce the number of requests to decrease throughput. In summary, our experiments demonstrate that the ratio of full nodes to low storage nodes is significantly lower for nodes with higher storage limits compared to those with lower storage limits. In other words, a higher storage limit results in more low storage nodes which can be permitted to ensure that the blockchain network is robust and reliable. Therefore, our proposed framework can provide reliable low storage nodes for the blockchain. The node can reduce the local storage pressure and can still maintain the full functionality of blockchains.



区块链技术的出现给传统中心化存储带来了重大改变。因此,各个领域都开始研究区块链的应用和发展。然而,区块链技术存在数据膨胀的严重缺点。原因是区块链技术通过在每个节点存储完整的区块链数据来实现去中心化,从而产生大量的区块链数据。因此,每个节点必须花费大量的存储空间和初始化同步时间。为了解决上述问题,在本研究中,我们提出了一种针对低存储区块链的安全敏捷的同步框架。首先,我们设计了一种K-极限分段算法,该算法通过一次仅将每个块分段的第一个和最后一个块返回到本地存储来减少同步时间。接下来,我们通过IPFS去中心化存储区块链的区块数据,并通过IPFS集群建立备份机制。最后,由于使用分布式存储,节点必须向IPFS请求未存储的块数据,导致区块链网络吞吐量的增加。为了避免网络拥塞,我们提出了工作集算法来提高本地存储的命中率并减少请求数量以降低吞吐量。总之,我们的实验表明,与存储限制较低的节点相比,存储限制较高的节点的全节点与低存储节点的比率明显较低。换句话说,更高的存储限制会导致更多的低存储节点被允许,以确保区块链网络的健壮和可靠。因此,我们提出的框架可以为区块链提供可靠的低存储节点。 节点可以减轻本地存储压力,仍然可以保持区块链的全部功能。