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Aesthetic experience of raingardens: The role of affordance
Landscape and Urban Planning ( IF 7.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2024.105167
Meredith Frances Dobbie , Megan Anne Farrelly

Raingardens, as part of urban green infrastructure, are being retrofitted in cities worldwide to contribute to urban sustainability and resilience. Technical function is essential, as is aesthetic function to optimise their community acceptance. Unlike technical design guidelines, aesthetic design guidelines for raingardens are limited. Experience of a landscape can contribute to its bio-physical sustainability, however not all landscape aesthetic experiences are pleasurable. Ecologically motivated landscape change might trigger displeasure. Thus, public support for such change depends on understanding how people perceive and experience beauty in that landscape. Four types of aesthetic experience of landscapes have been proposed in a perceptual model of human/environmental transactions, depending on landscape context and the observer’s situational context. These are scenic and ecological aesthetics, and aesthetics of care and effect of knowledge, and attachment and identity. Understanding which type applies to raingardens can inform their design and management to optimise their acceptance when retrofitted into streetscapes. As part of a study into perception of raingardens in four suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, survey data from 139 respondents were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively to reveal perceptual aesthetic experiences. The four aesthetic experiences proposed in the model were identified. An additional, fifth aesthetic, related to affordance, emerged from analysis. Drawing on criteria underlying each aesthetic lens, raingardens can be designed and managed to ensure that any aesthetic experience is favourable. Aesthetic lenses need not compete or be mutually exclusive. Design need not mimic natural forms but can draw attention to nature-based processes within the raingardens and foster environmental ethics.



雨花园作为城市绿色基础设施的一部分,正在世界各地的城市进行改造,以促进城市的可持续性和恢复力。技术功能至关重要,优化社区接受度的美学功能也同样重要。与技术设计指南不同,雨水花园的美学设计指南是有限的。景观体验有助于其生物物理可持续性,但并非所有景观审美体验都是令人愉悦的。生态驱动的景观变化可能会引发不满。因此,公众对这种变化的支持取决于对人们如何感知和体验景观之美的理解。根据景观背景和观察者的情境背景,在人类/环境交互的感知模型中提出了四种类型的景观审美体验。这些是风景美学、生态美学、知识的关怀和效果、依恋和认同的美学。了解哪种类型适用于雨水花园可以为雨水花园的设计和管理提供信息,从而在改造为街景时优化其接受度。作为澳大利亚墨尔本四个郊区雨水花园感知研究的一部分,对 139 名受访者的调查数据进行了定量和定性分析,以揭示感知审美体验。确定了模型中提出的四种审美体验。分析中还出现了第五种美学,与可供性相关。根据每个审美镜头的标准,雨水花园的设计和管理可以确保任何审美体验都是有利的。审美镜片不必相互竞争或相互排斥。 设计不需要模仿自然形式,但可以引起人们对雨水花园内基于自然的过程的关注,并促进环境道德。