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Prevalence Rates of Bullying: A Comparison Between a Definition-Based Scale and a Behavior-Based Scale
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-31 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241262216
Björn Sjögren 1 , Ylva Bjereld 2 , Robert Thornberg 1 , Jun Sung Hong 3 , Dorothy L Espelage 4

Self-reported measures of school bullying can be divided into two subtypes. Definition-based measures present a bullying definition followed by one question about being bullied and one question about bullying others, while behavior-based measures avoid using terms like “bully” and “bullying,” do not provide an explicit bullying definition, include items describing specific bullying behaviors, and respondents are asked to rate how often they have engaged in or have been a target of each behavior. The current study aimed to compare bullying perpetration and victimization prevalence rates between a definition-based scale and a behavior-based scale. The current study was part of a 4-year longitudinal research project, where students in Sweden completed an annual web-based survey at five waves starting with the school year of 2015 to 2016 (Wave 1; approximately age = 10.5 years) and ending in the school year of 2019 to 2020 (Wave 5; approximately age = 14.5 years). Because they responded to both measurement conditions, the study controlled for their possible individual differences. In this study, data from 1,469 to 1,715 students were analyzed. Findings revealed that the behavior-based scale displayed higher bullying perpetration and victimization prevalence than the definition-based scale. The behavior-based scales used in this study offer researchers and practitioners a self-report bullying measurement that includes power imbalance, concrete, and specific negative behaviors, and the ability to estimate repetition, but without using bullying terminology. Still, pros and cons of both approaches can be further discussed, and both definition-based and behavior-based self-report measures are vulnerable to a number of biases while they provide estimates or approximations—not exact pictures—of bullying prevalence.



校园欺凌的自我报告措施可以分为两个子类型。基于定义的衡量标准提出了欺凌定义,后跟一个有关被欺凌的问题和一个有关欺凌他人的问题,而基于行为的衡量标准则避免使用“欺凌”和“欺凌”等术语,不提供明确的欺凌定义,包括描述以下内容的项目:具体的欺凌行为,受访者被要求评价他们参与每种行为或成为每种行为目标的频率。当前的研究旨在比较基于定义的量表和基于行为的量表之间的欺凌实施和受害发生率。当前的研究是一个为期 4 年的纵向研究项目的一部分,瑞典的学生完成了一项年度网络调查,从 2015 年至 2016 学年(第 1 波;大约年龄 = 10.5 岁)开始,分 5 波进行,结束于2019 至 2020 学年(第 5 波;大约年龄 = 14.5 岁)。由于他们对两种测量条件都有反应,因此该研究控制了他们可能存在的个体差异。在这项研究中,分析了 1,469 至 1,715 名学生的数据。调查结果显示,基于行为的量表显示出比基于定义的量表更高的欺凌行为和受害发生率。本研究中使用的基于行为的量表为研究人员和从业者提供了一种自我报告的欺凌测量方法,其中包括权力不平衡、具体和特定的负面行为以及估计重复的能力,但不使用欺凌术语。 尽管如此,这两种方法的优缺点还可以进一步讨论,基于定义和基于行为的自我报告措施都容易受到许多偏见的影响,同时它们提供了欺凌发生率的估计或近似值(而不是精确的图片)。