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Positive Communication Practices for Enhancing Collaboration
International Journal of Business Communication ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-31 , DOI: 10.1177/23294884241263552
Amy E. Mickel 1

Collaboration is the process of people working together toward a common goal and occurs in a wide range of contexts. When done well, almost anything is possible. Because of its potential, collaboration is touted as one of the most promising ways to address today’s most difficult and complex problems. However, not all collaborative efforts realize their potential for a variety of reasons, including the relational aspects of collaboration. Central to collaboration and its efficacy, interpersonal relationships can be enhanced through positive communication. This research explores positive and negative communication patterns in collaborative contexts. Thematic analysis is applied to qualitative data collected from 278 participants involved in varied collaborative efforts. Fifteen collaborative communication practices emerge as playing an important role in fostering collaboration. Findings from this research contribute to the growing field of positive communication scholarship by offering positive communication practices that people can employ to strengthen interpersonal relationships in collaborative efforts. Guidance on ways practitioners can apply these findings is provided.



协作是人们为了共同目标而共同努力的过程,并且发生在广泛的环境中。如果做得好,几乎一切皆有可能。由于其潜力,协作被誉为解决当今最困难和最复杂问题的最有希望的方法之一。然而,由于各种原因,包括协作的关系方面,并非所有协作努力都发挥了其潜力。人际关系是协作及其有效性的核心,可以通过积极的沟通来增强。这项研究探讨了协作环境中的积极和消极沟通模式。主题分析适用于从参与各种协作工作的 278 名参与者收集的定性数据。十五种协作沟通实践在促进协作方面发挥着重要作用。这项研究的结果通过提供人们可以用来加强协作努力中的人际关系的积极沟通实践,为积极沟通学术领域的不断发展做出了贡献。提供了从业者如何应用这些发现的指南。