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Effects of Parental Childhood Maltreatment on Children’s School Adaptation: An Intergenerational Perspective Based on Envy
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-31 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241262226
Ziruo Zhang 1, 2 , Yanhui Xiang 1, 2 , Xiaojun Li 3

Previous studies have examined the impact of maternal childhood maltreatment (CM) on children’s school adaptation (SA), neglecting the role of fathers, and the joint influence of both parents. Based on family systems theory, this study explored the intergenerational impact of parental CM on children’s SA and the mediating role of benign envy (BE) and malicious envy (ME). A total of 334 elementary school students’ BE, ME, and SA statuses and their parents’ CM, BE, and ME statuses were collected to construct the intergenerational transmission models of BE and ME for fathers, mothers, and parents, respectively. The results revealed that maltreated fathers or mothers individually exerted negative impacts on their children’s SA, but when parents acted jointly, only fathers’ CM intergenerational influence was significant. Mediation effects demonstrated that, individually, maltreated fathers indirectly affected children’s SA through children’s BE; maltreated mothers impacted children’s SA through the “mothers’ BE→children’s BE” mediating chain; however, when taking combined parental action, only mothers’ intergenerational transmission chain was significantly present. Identifying different intergenerational influence mechanisms of maltreated parents on offspring’s school adaptation broadens our understanding of the diverse parenting roles of parents. That is, fathers foster their offspring’s environmental adaptability through encouraging external exploration, while mothers enhance socialization by nurturing internal emotional development. Formulating strategies to address the emotional issues of maltreated parents, especially mothers, is crucial for mitigating the intergenerational consequences of maltreatment and enhancing the offspring’s adaptability.



以前的研究考察了母亲童年虐待 (CM) 对儿童学校适应 (SA) 的影响,忽视了父亲的作用,以及父母双方的共同影响。本研究基于家庭系统理论,探讨了父母 CM 对儿童 SA 的代际影响以及良性嫉妒 (BE) 和恶意嫉妒 (ME) 的中介作用。收集 334 名小学生的 BE、ME 和 SA 状态及其父母的 CM、BE、ME 状态,分别构建父亲、母亲和父母的 BE 和 ME 代际传递模型。结果显示,受虐待的父亲或母亲单独对孩子的 SA 产生了负面影响,但当父母共同行动时,只有父亲的 CM 代际影响是显着的。中介效应表明,单独而言,受虐待的父亲通过儿童的 BE 间接影响了儿童的 SA;受虐待的母亲通过“mothers' BE→children's BE”中介链影响儿童的 SA;然而,当采取父母联合行动时,只有母亲的代际传播链显着存在。确定受虐待的父母对后代学校适应的不同代际影响机制拓宽了我们对父母不同育儿角色的理解。也就是说,父亲通过鼓励外在探索来培养后代的环境适应能力,而母亲则通过培养内部情感发展来增强社会化。制定策略来解决受虐待父母(尤其是母亲)的情感问题,对于减轻虐待的代际后果和增强后代的适应能力至关重要。