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Bystanders to Sexual Violence: Findings From a National Sample of Sexual and Gender Diverse Adolescents
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-31 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241259005
Victoria Banyard 1 , Kimberly J Mitchell 2 , Kimberly L Goodman 3 , Michele L Ybarra 4

Mobilizing bystanders to prevent sexual violence is an increasingly popular prevention strategy. While research has identified characteristics related to opportunity and actions around helping, a more nuanced understanding of how helping behavior and its modifiable levers may differ for youth of various genders is needed. The current study examined bystander-helping behaviors in sexual violence situations in a national, social media-recruited sample of adolescents 14 to 16 years of age. Measures of opportunity and self-reported actions were included in an online survey along with items assessing attitudes related to violence and helping. Given that prevention programs may work differently for cisgender, transgender, and nonbinary young people, between-group differences in amount of opportunity and helping behaviors were examined. Further, we examined correlates of opportunities to help as well as helping behaviors within each group. Overall, few attitude and personal experience characteristics consistently predicted opportunities and behaviors across groups. Group differences that emerged, such as the association between attitudes supportive of rape and lower helping for cisgender but not trans or nonbinary youth, support attending to these group differences in both basic and intervention research to inform tailoring of prevention programs.



动员旁观者预防性暴力是一种日益流行的预防策略。虽然研究已经确定了与帮助的机会和行动相关的特征,但需要更细致地了解不同性别的青少年的帮助行为及其可修改的杠杆可能有何不同。目前的研究通过社交媒体在全国范围内招募 14 至 16 岁青少年样本,调查了性暴力情况下旁观者帮助行为。在线调查中纳入了机会和自我报告行动的衡量标准,以及评估与暴力和帮助相关的态度的项目。鉴于预防计划对顺性别、跨性别和非二元年轻人的作用可能有所不同,因此对机会数量和帮助行为的群体间差异进行了检查。此外,我们还研究了每个群体内提供帮助的机会以及帮助行为的相关性。总体而言,很少有态度和个人经历特征能够一致地预测跨群体的机会和行为。出现的群体差异,例如支持强奸的态度与对顺性别而非跨性别或非二元青年的帮助较低之间的关联,支持在基础研究和干预研究中关注这些群体差异,以便为预防计划的制定提供信息。