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The influence of homogenization on the microstructure and high-temperature mechanical properties of ERNiCrMo-3 alloy
International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2024.106798
Zhiren Sun , Tian Tian , Sen Yang , Zekun Wang , Yan Yang , Xuanwei Wang , Yu Hou , Kaikun Wang

The study investigated the microstructural characteristics, Laves phase dissolution kinetics, and the homogenization kinetics of Ti, Nb, Mo elements, as well as the hot deformation behavior of ERNiCrMo-3 alloy under different homogenization degrees. The results showed that the precipitated phases in the as-cast ERNiCrMo-3 alloy primarily included carbonitrides (Nb,Ti)CN, phase, and Laves phase. Cr and Fe elements exhibited negative segregation, while Al, Mo, Nb, and Ti elements showed positive segregation into the interdendritic regions. The temperature required to completely eliminate the phase in the as-cast ERNiCrMo-3 alloy was between 1050 °C and 1100 °C. The dissolution temperature of the Laves phase was above 1200 °C, with a diffusion activation energy of 186.184 kJ/mol. The compound phases of nitrides and Laves phases in the alloy were found and dissolved upon exceeding 1150 °C, and spinel MoNbO as well as oxide CrO also formed within the alloy after the temperature exceeded 1150 °C. The diffusion activation energies for Ti, Nb, Mo elements, , , , were 265.48, 231.85, 275.69 kJ/mol, with diffusion constants of 2.4E-1, 6.15E-3, 4.4E-1 cm/s, respectively. The low diffusion coefficient and activation energy of Nb element serve as the limiting mechanisms in the homogenization process of the as-cast ERNiCrMo-3. Furthermore, The recrystallization mechanism involved particle-stimulated nucleation initially, transitioning to continuous dynamic recrystallization. The degree of dynamic recrystallization within the ERNiCrMo-3 alloy exhibits an initial decrease followed by an increase. Homogenization enhances hot deformation compatibility and reduces the propensity for hot deformation-induced cracking within the alloy.



研究了ERNiCrMo-3合金的显微组织特征、Laves相溶解动力学、Ti、Nb、Mo元素的均匀化动力学,以及不同均匀化程度下ERNiCrMo-3合金的热变形行为。结果表明,铸态ERNiCrMo-3合金中的析出相主要包括碳氮化物(Nb,Ti)CN、相和Laves相。 Cr和Fe元素表现出负偏析,而Al、Mo、Nb和Ti元素表现出正偏析到枝晶间区域。完全消除铸态 ERNiCrMo-3 合金中的相所需的温度在 1050 °C 至 1100 °C 之间。 Laves相的溶解温度高于1200℃,扩散活化能为186.184 kJ/mol。合金中发现氮化物和Laves相的化合物相,并在超过1150℃时溶解,超过1150℃后合金中还形成尖晶石MoNbO和氧化物CrO。 Ti、Nb、Mo元素的扩散活化能分别为265.48、231.85、275.69 kJ/mol,扩散常数分别为2.4E-1、6.15E-3、4.4E-1 cm/s。 Nb元素的低扩散系数和活化能是铸态ERNiCrMo-3均匀化过程的限制机制。此外,再结晶机制最初涉及粒子刺激成核,然后过渡到连续动态再结晶。 ERNiCrMo-3 合金内的动态再结晶程度呈现先下降后上升的趋势。均匀化增强了热变形相容性并降低了合金内热变形引起的裂纹的倾向。