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A closer look at utilized radiation doses during chest CT for COVID-19 patients
Radiation Physics and Chemistry ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2024.112079
A. Khallouqi , H. Sekkat , A. Halimi , O. El rhazouani

This study examined radiation exposure from CT scans performed on 500 adult COVID-19 patients at two major university hospitals in Morocco. A robust correlation (r = 0.82) was found between patient size and Size-Specific Dose Estimate (SSDE), which ranged from 10.11 to 17.87 mGy. The mean CTDIvol was 6.7 mGy, contrasting markedly with the mean SSDE of 12.81 mGy. This highlights a substantial difference, with the SSDE-to-CTDIvol ratio being approximately 1.91. Notably, the SSDE was nearly twice as high as the CTDIvol, underscoring the vulnerability of obese COVID-19 patients. Evaluation of different CT scanner models showed higher radiation doses associated with the Siemens Somaton Emotion 16 compared to the GE Optima CT520 Series, emphasizing the need to account for scanner-specific factors in dose optimization protocols. A comparison of chest CT reference doses (DRL) from this study with international data showed a lower mean CTDIvol here (6.7 mGy) than reported in other countries. However, the DRL in terms of DLP is in the same range or lower as compared to others. Using the BEIR VII model, the lifetime attributable risk (LAR) of cancer from COVID-19 chest CTs was estimated. Elevated risks of lung cancer in both genders and increased breast cancer risk in females were projected, albeit with limitations regarding overestimated cancer incidence. The high effective dose values, approaching 15.3 mSv, underscore the need for dose optimization, especially in obese COVID-19 patients receiving chest CTs.


仔细研究 COVID-19 患者胸部 CT 期间使用的辐射剂量

这项研究检查了摩洛哥两所主要大学医院对 500 名成人 COVID-19 患者进行 CT 扫描的辐射暴露情况。患者体型和体型特异性剂量估计 (SSDE) 之间存在很强的相关性 (r = 0.82),范围为 10.11 至 17.87 mGy。平均 CTDIvol 为 6.7 mGy,与平均 SSDE 12.81 mGy 形成鲜明对比。这凸显了显着差异,SSDE 与 CTDIvol 的比率约为 1.91。值得注意的是,SSDE 几乎是 CTDIvol 的两倍,凸显了肥胖 COVID-19 患者的脆弱性。对不同 CT 扫描仪型号的评估显示,与 GE Optima CT520 系列相比,西门子 Somaton Emotion 16 的辐射剂量更高,这强调了在剂量优化方案中考虑扫描仪特定因素的必要性。本研究的胸部 CT 参考剂量 (DRL) 与国际数据的比较显示,这里的平均 CTDIvol (6.7 mGy) 低于其他国家报告的水平。然而,与其他相比,DLP 方面的 DRL 处于相同范围或更低。使用 BEIR VII 模型,估计了 COVID-19 胸部 CT 导致癌症的终生归因风险 (LAR)。尽管高估癌症发病率存在局限性,但预计男女患肺癌的风险都会升高,女性患乳腺癌的风险也会增加。接近 15.3 mSv 的高有效剂量值强调了剂量优化的必要性,特别是对于接受胸部 CT 的肥胖 COVID-19 患者。