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Catalyst: Systems chemistry links reactions to molecular function
Chem ( IF 19.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chempr.2024.06.009
Haiyan Huang , Andrew McGrath , Christopher O. Audu , Tim Cernak

Andrew McGrath completed his PhD studies at the University of Michigan with Tim Cernak, studying amine-acid coupling reactions and their application in medicinal chemistry. Andrew was an undergraduate of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs and is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Merck & Co., Inc. in Rahway, NJ. Haiyan Huang is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Cernak Lab at the University of Michigan, where she studies amine-acid coupling reactions. She earned her BSc from Sun Yat-sen University and her PhD studying total synthesis at McGill University under the supervision of Prof. Lumb. Christopher O. Audu is currently a chief resident in vascular surgery at the University of Michigan. He studied at Purdue (BSc) and Dartmouth (MD and PhD) and performed postdoctoral research with Drs. Cernak and Gallagher at the University of Michigan. He will begin an assistant professorship of vascular surgery and chemical research at the University of Utah in the fall of 2024. Tim Cernak is an associate professor of medicinal chemistry at the University of Michigan, exploring the role of data science in chemistry and medicine in biodiversity conservation. Prior to working at the University of Michigan, he worked at Merck & Co., Inc. He is a co-founder of Iambic Therapeutics.



Andrew McGrath 在密歇根大学与 Tim Cernak 一起完成了博士学位研究,研究胺酸偶联反应及其在药物化学中的应用。 Andrew 是科罗拉多大学科罗拉多斯普林斯分校的本科生,目前是新泽西州拉威默克公司的博士后研究员。黄海燕目前是密歇根大学 Cernak 实验室的博士后研究员,研究氨基酸偶联反应。她在中山大学获得学士学位,并在麦吉尔大学在 Lumb 教授的指导下获得全合成博士学位。 Christopher O. Audu 目前是密歇根大学血管外科的首席住院医师。他曾在普渡大学(理学学士)和达特茅斯学院(医学博士和博士学位)学习,并与 Drs. 一起进行博士后研究。密歇根大学的切尔纳克和加拉格尔。他将于 2024 年秋季开始在犹他大学担任血管外科和化学研究助理教授。 Tim Cernak 是密歇根大学药物化学副教授,致力于探索数据科学在化学和医学在生物多样性中的作用保护。在密歇根大学工作之前,他曾在默克公司工作。他是 Iambic Therapeutics 的联合创始人。
