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Reaction: A systems approach enables discoveries in synthetic chemistry
Chem ( IF 19.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chempr.2024.06.017
Evan Ferry , Masha Elkin

Evan Ferry is a graduate student in the Elkin Group. He studied chemistry and philosophy at the University of Michigan, where he researched carbonyl-olefin metathesis with Prof. Corinna Schindler. Masha Elkin is the D. Reid (1941) and Barbara J. Weedon Career Development Assistant Professor of Chemistry at MIT. She completed her BA in chemistry with Prof. Vladimir Birman (Washington University in St. Louis, 2014), her PhD with Prof. Timothy Newhouse (Yale, 2019), and a postdoctoral fellowship with Prof. John Hartwig (UC Berkeley, 2023). Her group combines catalyst development, natural products synthesis, and machine learning to address challenges in synthetic chemistry.



埃文·费里 (Evan Ferry) 是埃尔金集团的研究生。他在密歇根大学学习化学和哲学,与 Corinna Schindler 教授一起研究羰基-烯烃复分解。 Masha Elkin 是麻省理工学院 D. Reid (1941) 和 Barbara J. Weedon 化学职业发展助理教授。她师从 Vladimir Birman 教授(华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校,2014 年)获得化学学士学位,师从 Timothy Newhouse 教授(耶鲁大学,2019 年)获得博士学位,并师从 John Hartwig 教授(加州大学伯克利分校,2023 年)获得博士后奖学金。她的团队结合了催化剂开发、天然产物合成和机器学习来应对合成化学的挑战。
