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Concordance of Mother and Father Reports of Intimate Partner Violence and Observed Interactions in Unmarried Black Coparents Expecting Their First Child
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-27 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241265434
Carla Smith Stover 1 , Selin Salman-Engin 2, 3 , Carter William McCaskill 1 , Kendall Buck 4 , James McHale 3

Concordance between partner reports of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is generally low, but self-reporting of IPV and concordance between partners among expectant parents in marginalized communities has not been explored, nor have associations among each partner’s reports of IPV and their behaviors in observed conflict discussions. This study will examine these gaps. One hundred and thirty-eight low-income, unmarried, Black, coparenting dyads expecting their first child together (136 mothers and 136 fathers) completed the Revised-Conflict Tactics Scale and a video recorded and coded conflict discussion. There was low concordance between parent’s reports of IPV overall with moderate levels of concordance for coparents who were living together and had more harmonious relationships. Linear regression analyses indicated only mothers’ reports of fathers’ psychological and physical IPV but not fathers’ reports of IPV were significantly associated with observed negative communication. Neither coparents’ reports of psychological or physical IPV were associated with positive communication during a conflict discussion. These findings suggest that at the time of parenthood transitions, mothers’ reports of fathers’ IPV behaviors may be more robust in their association with negative/unhealthy couple communication patterns than fathers’ reports and should be used when making safety determinations with families.



伴侣关于亲密伴侣暴力 (IPV) 的报告之间的一致性普遍较低,但尚未探讨边缘化社区中准父母的 IPV 自我报告与伴侣之间的一致性,也没有研究每个伴侣的 IPV 报告与其观察到的行为之间的关联。冲突讨论。本研究将探讨这些差距。 138 名低收入、未婚、黑人、共同抚养第一个孩子的二人组(136 名母亲和 136 名父亲)完成了修订后的冲突策略量表以及录制和编码的冲突讨论视频。父母对 IPV 的总体报告之间的一致性较低,而同居且关系更融洽的同居父母的 IPV 报告的一致性为中等水平。线性回归分析表明,只有母亲对父亲心理和身体 IPV 的报告与观察到的负面沟通显着相关,而父亲对 IPV 的报告则不然。双方父母对心理或身体 IPV 的报告均与冲突讨论期间的积极沟通无关。这些研究结果表明,在为人父母的转变时,母亲对父亲 IPV 行为的报告可能比父亲的报告与消极/不健康的夫妻沟通模式的关联更强烈,在与家庭做出安全决定时应使用这些报告。