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Structural Relationship Model of Basic Psychological Needs With Intimate Partner Violence: The Mediating Role of Gender Discrimination and Self-Esteem
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-27 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241259415
Farzad Nikrouy 1 , Kourosh Mohammadi 2 , Seyed Abdolvahab Samavi 3

Intimate partner violence (IPV) encompasses a range of abusive behaviors within intimate relationships. This study examines the structural relationships between basic psychological needs and IPV victimization among Iranian women, shedding light on the complex factors contributing to IPV and potential avenues for intervention. Data were gathered from a sample of 306 Iranian women who had experienced IPV, utilizing the Domestic Violence Questionnaire, the Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction Scale, the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory, and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. The findings supported the appropriate fit of the proposed model and revealed that basic psychological needs exerted significant direct and indirect effects on IPV victimization, mediated through self-esteem and ambivalent sexism. These results provide valuable new insights into the complex dynamics of IPV victimization and hold promise for the development of targeted interventions aimed at preventing IPV and supporting the well-being of affected individuals. Furthermore, the interpretation of the findings has been revised to avoid any implication of victim-blaming, aligning with the aim of understanding and addressing the structural factors contributing to IPV victimization.



亲密伴侣暴力 (IPV) 包括亲密关系中的一系列虐待行为。本研究探讨了伊朗妇女的基本心理需求与 IPV 受害之间的结构关系,揭示了导致 IPV 的复杂因素和潜在的干预途径。使用家庭暴力问卷、基本心理需求满意度量表、矛盾性别歧视量表和罗森伯格自尊量表,从 306 名经历过 IPV 的伊朗女性样本中收集数据。研究结果支持所提出的模型的适当拟合,并揭示基本心理需求通过自尊和矛盾的性别歧视对 IPV 受害产生显着的直接和间接影响。这些结果为了解 IPV 受害的复杂动态提供了宝贵的新见解,并有望制定旨在预防 IPV 和支持受影响个人福祉的有针对性的干预措施。此外,对调查结果的解释进行了修改,以避免任何指责受害者的暗示,这符合理解和解决导致 IPV 受害的结构性因素的目的。