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On (Im)Patience: A New Approach to an Old Virtue
Personality and Social Psychology Review ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-28 , DOI: 10.1177/10888683241263874
Kate Sweeny 1

Academic AbstractPatience has been of great interest to religious scholars, philosophers, and psychological scientists. Their efforts have produced numerous insights but no cohesive theoretical approach to understanding the broad set of experiences people label as patience. I propose a novel view of patience, one that departs from but ties together existing approaches. Grounded in theories of emotion and emotion regulation, I propose impatience as a discrete emotion triggered by an objectionable delay of some sort, and patience (as a state or process rather than a virtue) as a form of emotion regulation that targets the subjective experience and outward expression of impatience. I propose a number of predictors and consequences of patience and impatience and provide initial evidence for many of the theory’s tenets. This theoretical approach, the process model of patience, reveals coherence across varied fields and methodologies and generates novel, testable, and timely questions for future patience scholars.Public Abstract“Patience is a virtue” is a familiar exhortation, and patience has been of great interest to religious scholars, philosophers, and psychological scientists. Their efforts have produced numerous insights but no cohesive theoretical approach to understanding the broad set of experiences people label as patience. This paper proposes an entirely novel view of patience, one that departs from but ties together existing approaches. I propose that impatience is an emotion, triggered by a frustrating delay of some sort, and patience captures the various ways people try to deal with their experience of impatience. I also propose that various aspects of the situation and the person combine to determine the intensity of impatience and the effectiveness of patience. Finally, I discuss the implications of a theoretical model, the process model of patience, for both scientific inquiry and issues of social justice, which are often fueled by appropriate experiences of impatience.



学术摘要 耐心一直引起宗教学者、哲学家和心理科学家的极大兴趣。他们的努力产生了许多见解,但没有统一的理论方法来理解人们标记为耐心的广泛经验。我提出了一种关于耐心的新颖观点,这种观点不同于现有方法,但又将现有方法联系在一起。基于情绪和情绪调节理论,我提出不耐烦是一种由某种令人反感的延迟引发的离散情绪,而耐心(作为一种状态或过程而不是一种美德)是一种针对主观体验和情绪调节的情绪调节形式。不耐烦的外在表现。我提出了一些耐心和急躁的预测因素和后果,并为该理论的许多原则提供了初步证据。这种理论方法,即耐心的过程模型,揭示了不同领域和方法论之间的连贯性,并为未来的耐心学者提出了新颖的、可检验的、及时的问题。宗教学者、哲学家和心理科学家的兴趣。他们的努力产生了许多见解,但没有统一的理论方法来理解人们标记为耐心的广泛经验。本文提出了一种全新的耐心观点,这种观点不同于现有方法,但又将现有方法联系在一起。我认为不耐烦是一种情绪,是由某种令人沮丧的延迟引发的,而耐心则体现了人们尝试处理不耐烦经历的各种方式。我还建议结合情况和人的各个方面来确定不耐烦的强度和耐心的有效性。 最后,我讨论了理论模型,即耐心的过程模型,对于科学探究和社会正义问题的影响,这些问题往往是由适当的不耐烦经历所推动的。