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Constructing, Deconstructing or Abolishing? Discourses on Masculinities in Violence Against Women Prevention by Stakeholders in Spain
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-27 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241265437
Krizia Nardini 1 , Ariadna Cerdán-Torregrosa 1 , Belén Sanz-Barbero 2, 3 , MCarmen Davó-Blanes 1 , Carmen Vives-Cases 1, 3

In the field of violence against women (VAW) prevention, one of the current questions at stake is how to address men’s role and masculinities, but it is still an emerging field in Spain. The aim of this study was to analyze the up-to-date discourses on masculinity among stakeholders in the field of VAW prevention and gender equity in Spain. We used a qualitative methodology with semi-structured interviews, conducted between October 2019 and February 2020 in Madrid and Alicante (Spain), with 23 key stakeholders from different areas: in governmental (public health and VAW prevention/intervention, and institutional and policy positioning) and nongovernmental organizations (anti-violence masculinities workers, youth education workers, and feminist and LGBT associations). A discourse analysis was performed with the data collected. Our findings showed that discourses around masculinities among Spanish stakeholders in VAW prevention and gender equity were diverse and presented different layers of critique. Despite a general agreement on the importance of transforming sexist men’s practices toward more gender equitable relations, three main interpretive repertoires were identified: “Constructing positive/new masculinities” discourse, focused on promoting men’s engagement and egalitarian practices; “Deconstructing hegemonic masculinity” discourse, intended to critically identify and question harmful masculinities norms; and “Abolishing gender” discourse, which aims at dismantling masculinity, and gender in general, as a social structure that generates oppression in itself, advocating for its abolition. Those interpretive repertoires were not mutually exclusive and sometimes stakeholders incorporate in their work more than one approach. The study findings shed light on this current emerging and urgent debate and contributes more broadly to the critical assessment of the concepts used and their implications for VAW prevention.



在预防暴力侵害妇女行为(VAW)领域,当前面临的问题之一是如何解决男性的角色和男性气质,但这在西班牙仍然是一个新兴领域。本研究的目的是分析西班牙预防暴力侵害妇女行为和性别平等领域利益相关者关于男性气质的最新讨论。我们采用定性方法进行半结构化访谈,于 2019 年 10 月至 2020 年 2 月在马德里和阿利坎特(西班牙)进行,采访对象为来自不同领域的 23 个主要利益相关者:政府领域(公共卫生和针对暴力侵害妇女行为的预防/干预,以及机构和政策定位) )和非政府组织(反暴力男性工作者、青年教育工作者以及女权主义和 LGBT 协会)。对收集的数据进行话语分析。我们的研究结果表明,西班牙利益相关者在预防暴力侵害妇女行为和性别平等方面围绕男性气质的讨论多种多样,并提出了不同层次的批评。尽管人们普遍认为将性别歧视男性的做法转变为更加性别平等的关系的重要性,但仍确定了三个主要的解释手段:“构建积极/新的男性气质”话语,重点是促进男性的参与和平等实践; “解构霸权男性气质”话语,旨在批判性地识别和质疑有害的男性气质规范; “废除性别”话语,旨在废除男性气质和一般性别,将其作为一种本身产生压迫的社会结构,主张废除它。这些解释手段并不相互排斥,有时利益相关者会在其工作中纳入不止一种方法。 研究结果揭示了当前正在出现的紧迫争论,并有助于更广泛地对所使用的概念及其对预防暴力侵害妇女行为的影响进行批判性评估。