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Searching for QPOs in BATSE short gamma-ray bursts based on narrowband and broadband features
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-29 , DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2024/07/070
Dong-Jie Liu , Yuan-Chuan Zou

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), especially short GRBs, are often considered potential candidates for exhibiting kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) due to their origin from binary mergers. It has already been discovered that two bursts exhibit QPOs. While systematic searches for QPOs in GRBs typically concentrate on the kilohertz range, there has been no comprehensive exploration in the hundred-hertz range. In this study, we systematically conducted QPO searches on all BATSE short burst data within the 0-1000 Hz range. Using nested significance tests, we observed that the reference distributions for different GRBs are quite similar. This observation prompted us to analyze the data by selectively focusing on those with larger statistical values, obviating the need to iterate through all the data and significantly reducing computational workload. Ultimately, our findings did not reveal any compelling evidence for QPOs, which may suggest that the GRB jet has lost the early merging memory.


基于窄带和宽带特征的 BATSE 短伽玛射线暴中 QPO 搜索

伽马射线暴(GRB),尤其是短伽玛射线暴,通常被认为是表现出千赫兹准周期振荡(QPO)的潜在候选者,因为它们起源于双星合并。已经发现两个突发表现出QPO。虽然对GRB中QPO的系统搜索通常集中在千赫兹范围,但尚未对百赫兹范围进行全面的探索。在本研究中,我们对 0-1000 Hz 范围内的所有 BATSE 短突发数据系统地进行了 QPO 搜索。使用嵌套显着性检验,我们观察到不同伽玛暴的参考分布非常相似。这一观察促使我们通过选择性地关注那些统计值较大的数据来分析数据,从而避免了迭代所有数据的需要,并显着减少了计算工作量。最终,我们的研究结果没有揭示任何 QPO 的令人信服的证据,这可能表明 GRB 喷气机已经失去了早期的合并记忆。