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“People that are Supporting [the] Whole Sector are on their Knees”; Uncertainty and Socioeconomic Change are Occupational Stressors for Irish Farmers☆
Rural Sociology ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-29 , DOI: 10.1111/ruso.12554
Joseph Firnhaber 1 , Sandra M. Malone 1 , Anna Donnla O'Hagan 1 , Sinéad O'Keeffe 1 , John McNamara 2 , Siobhán O'Connor 1

Farming is a stressful occupation with many farmers facing daily uncertainty and high mental health risks. In addition to unpredictable occupations, rapidly changing European and Irish agricultural policies may put farmers in a liminal state. We aimed to identify sources of occupational stress or well‐being for Irish farmers, particularly regarding change in their lives and communities. We collected data online through semistructured interviews with 17 farmers and 1 interview and 3 focus groups with 11 farming stakeholders. We identified four central narratives (N1‐4) through narrative analysis. In N1, participants described how rapid changes could create stress by exacerbating uncertainty and threatening farmers' financial security. Participants described how these changes to standards for “good farming” (N2) and rural culture (N3) result in lost income, identity, and well‐being. In N4, participants identified ways in which work of farming can be therapeutic. Our findings add to literature on the impacts of uncertainty and liminality on farmers by identifying how deeply changes in agricultural models can impact farmers' identities and well‐being as they grapple with new and old occupational pressures. We suggest that economic policy and agricultural governance prioritize farmers' financial security and mental health through policy change and acknowledge their valuable contributions.



农业是一项压力很大的职业,许多农民每天都面临着不确定性和较高的心理健康风险。除了不可预测的职业之外,快速变化的欧洲和爱尔兰农业政策也可能使农民陷入阈限状态。我们的目的是确定爱尔兰农民的职业压力或福祉来源,特别是他们的生活和社区的变化。我们通过对 17 名农民进行半结构化访谈以及对 11 名农业利益相关者进行 1 次访谈和 3 个焦点小组在线收集数据。我们通过叙事分析确定了四个中心叙事(N1-4)。在 N1 中,参与者描述了快速的变化如何通过加剧不确定性并威胁农民的财务安全来产生压力。参与者描述了“良好农业”(N2)和乡村文化(N3)标准的这些变化如何导致收入、身份和福祉的损失。在 N4 中,参与者确定了农耕工作可以起到治疗作用的方法。我们的研究结果通过确定农业模式的变化在农民应对新旧职业压力时对他们的身份和福祉产生多大的影响,为关于不确定性和限制性对农民的影响的文献增添了内容。我们建议经济政策和农业治理通过政策变革优先考虑农民的财务安全和心理健康,并承认他们的宝贵贡献。