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Randomized trial of parent-child interaction therapy improves child-welfare parents' behavior, self-regulation, and self-perceptions.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-07 , DOI: 10.1037/ccp0000859
Elizabeth A Skowron 1 , Akhila K Nekkanti 2 , Amanda M Skoranski 1 , Carolyn M Scholtes 3 , Emma R Lyons 4 , Kathryn L Mills 1 , David Bard 5 , Alexus Rock 1 , Elliot Berkman 1 , Elizabeth Bard 5 , Beverly W Funderburk 5

OBJECTIVE We conducted a large (N = 204) randomized, clinical trial to test the efficacy of parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT) on observed parenting, two key drivers of maladaptive parenting-self-regulation and social cognitions, and child behavior outcomes in a sample of child welfare-involved families. METHOD Participants were randomly assigned to standard PCIT (n = 120) or services-as-usual (SAU; n = 84). The sample was characterized by low household income, significant exposures to adverse childhood experiences, and substance abuse. Intention-to-treat analyses were conducted on multiply imputed data followed by secondary per-protocol analyses. RESULTS Significant PCIT effects emerged on (a) increased positive parenting, reduced negative parenting and disruptive child behavior (small-to-medium intention-to-treat effects and medium-to-large per-protocol effects); (b) gains in parent inhibitory control on the stop-signal task (small-to-medium effects); (c) gains in parent-reported emotion regulation and (d) positive, affirming self-perceptions (small-to-medium effects), relative to the SAU control group. PCIT's effects on gains in parent emotion regulation were mediated by reductions in observed negative parenting. No differences in rates of parent commands or child compliance were observed across conditions. Harsh child attributions moderated treatment impact on parenting skills acquisition. PCIT parents who held harsher attributions displayed greater gains in use of labeled praises and declines in negative talk/criticism with their child, than control group parents. CONCLUSIONS This randomized trial presents the first evidence that PCIT improves inhibitory control and emotion regulation in a child welfare parents and replicates other published trials documenting intervention gains in positive parenting and child behavior in child welfare families. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



目的 我们进行了一项大型(N = 204)随机临床试验,以测试亲子互动疗法(PCIT)对观察养育(不良养育的两个关键驱动因素——自我调节和社会认知)以及儿童行为结果的疗效。涉及儿童福利的家庭样本。方法 参与者被随机分配到标准 PCIT (n = 120) 或照常服务 (SAU; n = 84)。该样本的特点是家庭收入低、童年时期经历过不良经历以及药物滥用。对多重插补数据进行意向治疗分析,然后进行二次符合方案分析。结果 PCIT 的显着影响体现在:(a) 增加积极养育、减少消极养育和破坏性儿童行为(小到中等的意向治疗效应和中到大的符合方案效应); (b) 父母对停止信号任务的抑制控制有所提高(小到中等效果);相对于 SAU 对照组,(c) 家长报告的情绪调节能力有所提高,(d) 积极、肯定的自我认知(小到中度影响)。 PCIT 对父母情绪调节的影响是通过减少观察到的消极养育行为来调节的。在不同条件下,没有观察到父母命令率或儿童服从率存在差异。严厉的儿童归因调节了治疗对养育技能习得的影响。与对照组父母相比,持更严厉归因的 PCIT 父母在使用贴有标签的表扬和减少对孩子的负面谈话/批评方面表现出更大的收益。 结论 这项随机试验首次提供了证据,表明 PCIT 可以改善儿童福利父母的抑制控制和情绪调节,并重复了其他已发表的试验,记录了儿童福利家庭中积极养育和儿童行为的干预效果。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。